


Amazing Benefits of Banana

Erectile Dysfunction

Okay, well everybody knows the creamy, rich
and delicious fingers of joy are abundant in vitamin B6 and a good
source of manganese, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, biotin, and
copper. I however went into an in-depth search of further findings as to how the yellow beauties help maintain health and here is what I found:

1.) According to the latest Japanese Scientific Research, a full ripe
banana with dark patches on the yellow skin produces a substance known
as TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal
cells. The darker the patches it has, the higher the immunity
enhancement quality; hence the riper the banana, the better the
anti-cancer quality!. A yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is 8
times more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than
a green skinned version.
Eating just one banana a day increases immunity!
2.) The unique mix of vitamins, minerals, and low glycemic
carbohydrates in bananas has made them a favorite fruit among endurance
athletes.Bananas have long been valued by athletes for prevention of
muscle cramps. Since bananas are a good source of potassium, and since
low potassium levels are known to contribute to risk of muscle cramps,
it is logical to think about the potassium content of bananas as being
the reason for fewer muscle cramps after consumption of bananas.
*This high potassium content also has cardiovascular benefits.
2.) A second type of cardiovascular benefit from bananas involves their
sterol content. While bananas are a very low-fat food (less than 4% of
their calories come from fat), one type of fat that they do contain in
small amounts are sterols like sitosterol, campesterol, and
stigmasterol. As these sterols look structurally similar to cholesterol,
they can block the absorption of dietary cholesterol. By blocking
absorption, they help us keep our blood cholesterol levels in check.

3.) Taking just one finger of banana provides enough energy for an
intense 90 minute work out!, no wonder it’s soo sweet; it’s packed full
of calories.

4. Bananas contain Resistant Starch which helps make you full easily and helps with metabolism.

Bananas could reduce your appetite.

How To Enjoy:
In addition to being eaten raw, bananas are a wonderful addition to a variety of recipes from salads to baked goods.
* A peanut butter and banana sandwich drizzled with honey is an all-time favorite comfort food for children and adults alike.
*Add chopped bananas, walnuts and maple syrup to oatmeal or porridge.
You could actually make a purely natural banana flavored ice-cream with
mashed bananas, skimmed milk and chocolate flavor. Yummy, try it!

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Eat That Onion: Health Benefits of Onions

Onions Do More Than Make You Cry! ( A Brief Insight into Recently Discovered Health Benefits).
Onions have been used for ages as an ingredient in various dishes in
mmany cultures. They can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, dried or roasted
and are commonly used as a flavoring or
seasoning agent in many dishes.
The WHO have recently validated the use
of onions in treating poor appetite and preventing atherosclerosis. A
brief look at other health benefits include:

1.) Onions fight cancer: they are rich in sulfides which provide protection against tumor growth.

2.) Cardiovascular improvement: Regular consumption of Onions have been
shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.This is
attributed to the sulfur compounds, chromium and vitamin B6 which
prevent heart diseases bt lowering homocystein levels.

Reduction of blood sugar levels: Onions contain Allyl Propyl Disulfide
that helps reduce glucose levels by increasing insulin levels.

4.) Good for the skin: Onions help in stimulating the circulation of
blood in the mucous membrane. It can be applied as poultice to boils,
bruises, wounds e.t.c. Onion juice mixed with honey is about the best
home made remedy to acne.

5.) Stimulates hair growth: Sulphur in Onions is an essential nutriient for hair growth.

6.) Prevents blood clot: Onions is considered a natural anti-clotting agent because of the high sulphur content.

7.) Treats Urinary disorders: Onions have diuretic properties, which is
useful in treating urinary disorders. For those suffering from burning
sensation during urination, drink water boiled woth 6-7grams of onions
for relief.

8.) Remedy for cold and Flu: The WHO have
recognised onions for its ability to help relieve flu symptoms such as
cough, bronchitis, congestion and respiratory infections.

Protects against Allergies: Onions are rich in Quercetin, an antioxidant
which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. Flavonoids
contained in them block the allergy creating histamine.

Promotes Bone Health: A study conducted on April 2014 revealed that
onions also build connective tissues and bone health due to a newly
identified substance in it called Growth Plate Chondrocytes (GPC’s).
Hence onions are very beneficial for women who are at a high risk of
osteoporosis. There is also evidence that the risk of hip fracture in
menopausal women may be lowered through regular consumption of onions.

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Mortal Enemies of the Immune system

You may
not know this but just as there are foods and nutrients that boost
immune functions and the bodies resistance to diseases, there are also
those that break down and militate against quick response to diseases
and foreign body.

1.) Refined Sugar: Sugar has been vilified by the health community for good reason. It is a zero nutrient substance that has been linked
to corroding the teeth and even the brain!. A high blood sugar level
greatly reduces the
ability of germ fighting white blood cells to kill
bacteria and viruses. It is advisable to therefore substitute candy,
cookies and soda for less refined, more complex and high fiber
counterparts such as brown rice, lentils, garri which stabilize blood
sugar levels and leaves the immune system.

2). Fatty Food: LOL, there are many
reasons to eliminate fried food from your diet and here is another;
Researchers found out that obesity and high-fat diets “depress host
resistance to infectious diseases and apparently influence
susceptibility to some forms of cancer”.

3) Alcohol: Relax,
you don’t have to give up the occasional glass of red wine, but
researchers urge casual drinkers to reduce their indulgence during flu
season. Studies have proven that excess alcohol may lead to immune
deficiency and increased susceptibility to certain diseases.. Experts
define one drink ( 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or one ounce of
hard liquor) will nor disrupt immune function, but three or more drinks
Taking these items once in a while or moderately won’t give
you an immune deficiency syndrome, but loading your diet with them would
make you much more susceptible to invasion from foreign bodies. Just
thought you should know though.

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Harmful Effect Of Alcohol on the Male Reproductive System

Alcohol and Reproductive health (exclusively for men)
Many studies have shown that excessive alcohol intake is bad for
general health, but a few have shown it’s impact on reproductive health,
except at very high levels.. A study conducted by the dept of Urology
at the University of Stanford School of medicine confirmed that although
men drinking the most alcohol- 40 units or more- had lower sperm counts, the most surprising finding was seen even in men drinking as little as five units a week.

A second study found that drinking a lot of alcohol was linked to a
higher risk of contracting human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually
transmitted disease. HPV can lead to head, neck, penile and anal cancers
in men according to the U.S National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Alcohol also affects the immune system adversely, leading to increased susceptibility of viral infection.
Given the known health impacts of excessive drinking, these new studies
provide newer risk factors for alcohol consumption, therefore
moderation is probably best.

Also, alcohol can also affect the Leydig cells in the testes. This is responsible for the production of testosterone hormone.

Studies found that heavy alcohol consumption results in reduced testosterone levels in the blood. Alcohol also impairs the function of the testicular Sertoli cells that play an important role in sperm maturation. In the pituitary gland, alcohol can decrease the production, release, and/or activity of two hormones with critical reproductive functions, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Finally, alcohol can interfere with hormone production in the hypothalamus.



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Health Benefits Of Snails

Our crawly neighbour’s are more than just slimy reservoirs of protein. They make a great substitute for regular red meat. Here are some recently discovered reasons to gobble them up!:
1.) Recent studies have found that an average snail contains a glycoprotein which is believed to have cancer fighting properties.
2.) The mucous exuded by these creatures contain a copper compund which helps in healing after an injury or scalding and also helps in preventing heart disorders.
3.) An average snail is comprised of 80% water, 15% proteins and 2.4% fat (unsaturated fats).

 4.) It contains essential fatty acids, calcium (well that’s mostly in d shell), magnesium and phosphorus.
 5.) They are highly and incredibly packed with vitamins E, K, A and B12.
6.) Snails are an ideal weight watchers diet because they are good sources of proteins but low in calories and fat. For a 100 gram serving of snail, u get about 90 kcals only!. In addition to these health benefits, snails are tasty, juicy, delicious and cheaper than any red meat and can be prepared in a variety of forms including boiling, drying, cooking and used in a variety of soups and with vegetables.

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