


Amazing Health Benefits of Jogging


Aerobic exercise also known as cardio is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy generating process. Examples include jogging, medium to long distance running, swimming, cycling and walking. Aerobic exercise places demands on the heart, thereby keeping it in shape..and trust me, u want a fit heart.
Benefits of Jogging include:
1.) Regular aerobic exercise improves your cardiovascular fitness by increasing your capacity to use oxygen. It does so by increasing the hearts capacity to send blood (hence oxygen) to the muscles.

2.) Reduced risk of certain health problems: Regular aerobic exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer. It also improves lipid profile by reducing the levels of LDL-cholesterol and increasing HDL-cholesterol. It does a lot to reduce anxiety, stress, depression and instills a general sense of well being. Regular aerobic exercise have been shown to ensure longevity.

3.) Weight control: Regular sessions of 30-60 minutes of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise (at about 55 to 70 percent of maximum heart rate), if done correctly, can be an important part Of a weight loss or weight management programme that is also mindful of energy (calories) consumed as food.

4.) Improved bone and muscle health: studies have shown that risk of osteoporosis can be reduced by regular weight bearing aerobic exercise such as brisk walking. By stimulating the growth of tiny blood vessels in the muscle tissues, aerobic exercise has also been shown to lessen pain experienced by ppl who have fibromyalgia or chronic lower back pain as the oxygen supply to the muscles is improved and waste products are removed more efficiently.

5.) Social Benefits: Wether you walk with a friend, play tennis with a co-worker, or form a cycling team, exercising with friends can be the most effective way of ensuring that you do it regularly. The feeling of fitness and general well-being associated with aerobics also boosts self confidence and generally improves mood and disposition.

6.) Aerobic exercise is also the only form of exercise that ensures uniform weight loss through out the body!..hard to reach fat is gotten to and all through the body, fat is burned at the same time. This could be attributed to the increase in metabolism that is attributable to cardio exercise.
As with any form of exercise, be aware of over exercising either by doing it too hard, too often or for too long. This approach can lead to injury and an abandonment of the fitness programme. Remember to build up gradually from your current activity level and not to progress too rapidly.
If you are new to regular aerobic exercise, several weeks of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise is usually advised before introducing more vigorous aerobic exercise sessions.

Remember to take lots of water as lots of body moisture is lost through sweat and urine during exercise.

For more sustainable results, it is advisable to engage in aerobics for at least 3 times a week, starting from 30 minutes for two weeks, to build endurance and building up to ensure moderate exertion. So get on the road boys and girls and stay FIT!

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The Bloody Nigerian Menace

A research carried out in Nigeria by scientists from the University of Edinburgh, England, revealed that one in every four Nigerian is at risk of being diagnosed with high blood pressure.
High blood pressure – also known as hypertension – which can cause stroke, heart disease and kidney disease, is twice as high in Nigeria compared with other East African countries and very few are aware that they have the condition.
The study also revealed that the figure will sharply rise as more Nigerians continue to live like westerners lives until drastic measures are put in place.

There were more than 20 million cases of hypertension in Nigeria in 2010, affecting one-in-three men and one-in-four women and researchers predict a rise in figure to 39 million cases by 2030.

Their findings have been published in the “Journal of Hypertension” and it is the first up-to-date nationwide estimate showing how hypertension affects Nigerians at an alarming rate.

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The Latest Research on the Health Benefits of The Okra

1.) Carbohydrates from the okra plant can improve the quality of food products such as butter, mayonnaise, yoghurt and fruit drinks. Katerina Alba from the University of Huddersfield is investigating the potential of carbohydrates extracted from the pods of the okra plant. She posits that it could improve the quality of the product- it’s consistency, texture and shelf life.

2.) They have been found out to be a source of hydrocolloids. These help in absorption of fluids and healing necrotic, sloughy, granulating and epithelializing wounds through this medium.

3.) A study published in 2011 in the ISRN Pharmaceuticals shows that okra can be used effectively in managing and stabilizing blood glucose. The researchers noted that okra is a rich source of dietary fiber and has been traditionally used to manage diabetes. Note that this doesnt mean okro is a cure for diabetes.

4.) May Help Lower Cholesterol: A study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societes for Experimental Biology found our that okra extracts may lower cholesterol levels. The okra interfered with cholesterol absorption and production.

5.) Good source of Antioxidants: These prove important for preventing heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Okra contains some including catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin, quercetin and rutin.

6.) Combats Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach linings are effectively reduced by okra. Polysaccharides in okra appear to inhibit the adhesion od Helicobacter pylori, an inflammatory bacteria known to cause gastritis to the stomach linings.

7. A cup of okro (100g) would help supply about 15% of a woman’s daily need of folate. Folate (vit B9) helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in infants.

A concerns arose which is that;
*When consumed with metformin, the effect of metformin (a medication used to manage blood sugar) was almost cancelled all out. Therefore, if metformin is taken with okra, the blood sugar creeps up.

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Your Breakfast and Your Fertility

John Harvey Kellogg was a practicing physician, a celebrated surgeon, a successful entrepreneur, an author, a man of strong principles, and one of the most accomplished health reformers of his time.
Now, Kellogg was obsessed with chastity and constipation. True to his principle, he never made love to his wife. To remedy masturbation, he advocated circumcision without anesthetic for boys and mutilation of the clitoris with carbonic acid for girls. He blamedd constipation for “nymphomaniaa” in girls and lust in boys, because “impacted stools inside ones rectum were stimulating the prostate gland and vagina in girls into sexual proclivity”.
His prescription was a coarse vegetarian diet, one to three ounces of bran daily and paraffin oil with every meal. As any nutritionist would tell you, the decline of libido, functional impotence and infertility are among the very first symptoms of chronic protein deficiency common among vegetarians. For similar reasons, monks and nuns use this to suppress sexual desire.
The rational behind paraffin oil was different. Because all that fiber in the Kelloggs diet caused large stools and hemorrhoidal disease, the oil served as a laxative stimulant and lubricant to ease of straining, anal lacerations and pain. As with any drug, you gain some, you loose some more; Constant anal leakage was one of paraffin oils immediate side effects, more serious, it was washing out already meagre fat soluble vitamins, Vitamins A, D, E and K from the intestines which caused blindness, infertility, birth defects, immune disorders, diabetes, cancer, osteomalacia (soft bones) and hemophilia (inability of blood to clot).
So if you are going for fertility and virility, I suggest you cut down on the Kelloggs Corn Flakes and associated cereals, because his original recipe is still in use (Hence the name), all that changed is the addition of sugar and flavors.
I never knew it, but it seems Soy does same harm. I’d look into that and bring a verified confirmation accross soon. Thank you

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Key Points on Diabetes; Protect your Future.

So today is the world diabetes day. Lol, we aren’t celebrating the disease, it’s just a day we take out to sensitize people on the menacing nature of the disease, so you don’t end up on our consulting table in your 50’s and 60’s. I advise you to indulge.

Theme: Healthy Eating Begins With Breakfast.
*Diabetes affects about 382 Million people are affected by diabetes yearly.
*Diabetes is an accumulation of unhealthy lifestyle over tym, so b sure dt ice cream, pizza and fries wldd b bk to haunt u much l8a, hehehe
*The three main types of diabetes are:
1.) Type 1 diabetes ( Juvenile onset)
2.) Type 2 Diabetes (Late Onset)
3.) Gestational diabetes
*Insulin is a hormone which let’s glucose into the cells of the body for use as energy.
*Diabetes occurs primarily when the Beta cells of the islet of langerhans of the pancreas are damaged or cannot produce insulin.
*Type 2 diabetes occurs when the cells of the body “resists” insulin or the pancreas gets “tired” of producing sufficient insulin for use by the body.

*Excess sugars are left to roam the blood andd wreck havoc to the cells.

*Symptoms of Diabetes Include: Oligo uria (excess urination,) Polyphagia (excessive hunger), tremors, parasthesia, fatigue, late healing of wounds,male sexual dysfunction, weight gain, unusual weight loss.

*Type 2 Diabetes sufferers need to eat healthy and be physically aactive, and test their blood glucose regularly. They may also need to take oral glucose and insulin regularly.

*As the risk of CvDs are much higher for diabetics, it is crucial that blood cholesterol and pressure levels are monitored caarefully.

*Complications include kidney disease, heart problems, impotence, amputation, retinopathy, death.

*There is no cure to diabetes. Only diet therapy and management.

*There is absolutely no NATURAL food that should be avoided by the diabetic

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The Sweet Death And Your Breakfast.

Healthy Eating Starts With A Healthy Breakfast.
Investing in a healthy breakfast would reduce the global burned of diabetes and save billions in lost productivity and health-care costs. A healthy Breakfast decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Food which reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes such as vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and unsaturated fats need to be available and cheap, energy dense foods shunned for breakfast. Skipping breakfast also is associated with weight gain!

Individuals can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by:
1.) Choosing water or unsweetened coffee or tea instead of fruit juice, soda and other sugar sweetened beverages.

2.) Eating at least three servings of vegetables everyday including green leafy vegetables.

3.) Choosing nuts, a piece of fresh fruit or sugar-free yoghurt for snacks.

4.) Limiting alcohol intake to two standard drinks per day.
Choosing lean cuts of white meat, poultry and seafood instead of processed meat or red meat.

5.) Choosing peanut butter instead of butter or chocolate spread or jam for bread.

6.) Choosing whole-grain instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, whole grain pasta instead of refined pasta.

7.) Choosing unsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, corn oil or sunflower oil) instead of saturated fat ( animal fat, palm oil, ghee, butter or coconut oil).

While choosing from these seemingly healthy options, keep in mind that MODERATION IS KEY.

You wouldn’t gulp 1/2 cup of olive oil because its healthy.

These recommendations will also help someone with diabetes to achieve stable control.

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Okay, over the years, diabetics and in fact the public have been inducted into the use of whole wheat in management of diabetes and weight loss. We have seen patients that don’t eat virtually anything if it isn’t made from wheat. How sound is this principle?..Lets see.

1.) The average glycemic index of whole wheat bread is about 71, and we all know anything more than 55 (medium G.I foods) is risky for a diabetic or even anyone on a weight loss diet as it raises blood sugar too high. Now, before u guys get me lynched on fibre content of wheat and how it helps reduce the G.I, let’s not forget that often, the form in which wheat is consumed is highly processed and reduced to flour with negligible fibre content as negated by our garri which is quite high in fiber.

2.) the gluten in wheat has also been strongly connected to cancer. Many studies purport the fact that is cancer promoting.

3.) Gluten’s inflammatory effect on the gut causes intestinal cells to be oxidized and die prematurely.

4.) The lectin in wheat also often ends up in circulation which causes leptin resistance and has a similar effect to insulin (cos well, I found out that they have similar structure). Those two factors could promote obesity as leptin and insulin are the two most important hormones as we know, when it comes to regulating weight and energy balance.

5.) Opioid peptides in wheat have been associated with schizophrenia as symptoms are alleviated with withdrawal from wheat.

6.) wheat germ agglutinin, in recent research has been shown to cause a depletion in vitamin D stores which could lead to deficiency and it’s accompanying issues (which of course includes a weakened immune system and a vulnerability to infectious diseases).

So before u advice that man/woman to go on a full wheat diet for whatever reason, think twice. I mean, i’m nt saying that having wheat every once in a while wld kill but we know that when we advice diabetics/ even hint at any food as allowed, they virtually kill themselves with it. Garri should be allowed in their diet as well as wheat; the watch word of every diabetes management should be LIBERALITY IN MODERATION!..

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1.) Hypnic Jerk: The feeling of falling when you are asleep. That’s a sort of jerking the body gives the heart to remind it that it should be beating to keep you alive.

2.) Tickles. You can’t tickle yourself because your brain distinguished between unexpected external touch and your own touch.
3.) Create associations. Memory is formed by associations, so if you want help remembering things,create associations foryourself..Indicate for more information.

4.) Anomia. Anomia is the technical word for tip-of-the-tongue syndrome when you can almost remember a word, but it just won’t quite come to you

5.) World Champion. A world champion memorizer,Ben Pridemorememorized 96 historical events in 5 minutes and memorized a single, shuffled deck of cards in 26.28 seconds

6.) Blind people dream. Dreams are more than just visual images, and blind people do dream. Whether or not they dream in pictures depends on if they were born blind or lost their vision later

7.) Color or B&W. Some people (about 12%) dream only in black and white while others dream in color.

8.) Blinking. Each time we blink, our brain kicks in and keeps things illuminatedso the whole world doesn’t go dark each time we blink (about 20,000 times a day).

9.) Yawns are contagious. Ever notice that you yawned after someone around you did? Scientists believe this may be a response to an ancient social behaviourfor communication that humans still have.

10.) Music. Music lessons have shown to considerably boost brain ability and organization in both children and adults.

11.) Ambidexterity. Those who are left-handed or ambidextrous have a corpus collosum (the part of the brain that bridges the two halves) that is about 11% larger than those who are right-handed.

12.) Cannibalism. Some research showsthat humans carry genes that help protect the brain from prion diseases, or diseases contracted through eating human flesh, leading medical expertsto believe that ancient humans may have eaten other humans.

13.) Brain death. The brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen, and then it begins to die. No oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes will result in permanent brain damage.

14.) Wattage. While awake, your brain generates between 10 and 23 watts of power–or enough energy to power a light bulb.

15.) Yawns. It is thought that a yawn works to send more oxygen to the brain, therefore working to cool it down and wake it up.

16.) Stopped growing. Your brain stopped growing at age 18.

17.) Cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex grows thickeras you learn to use it.

18.) No pain. There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain

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Groundnuts are among the best sources of protein in the plant kingdom. They contain phenols in generous quantity (a very important anti-oxidant). They have been condemned by some to be high in fat, but this is mostly mono-unsaturated fat (the good kind of fat). They also contain vitamin E, copperr, folate, magnesium, arginine and fibre which are very heart friendly. Here are some other benefits of Groundnuts that are quite less than obvious:

1.) Reduces the risk of colon cancer: A number of studies have discovered Groundnuts to have folic acid, phytosterols, phytoc acid and resveratrol which have caancer cancelling effects. Just eating the stuff two or more times a week has been associated with a 27% lowered risk of colon cancer in men and about 54% in women!

2.) Update on its Phytochemical Contribution: Groundnuts haave been found to contain P-cuomaric acid and oleic acid which protect the heart and prevents infections. They also lessen the risk of stomach cancer by preventing the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach.

3.) Memory Boosters: Vitamin B3 which is abundant in Groundnuts not only boosts memory but also controls and reduces cholesterol levels. Their omega-3 fatty acid content is also a wonderful nourisher of the brain.m

4.) Helps prevent Blood Related Problems: Groundnuts are beneficial in treatment of hemophilia and nose bleeding.. women suffering from excessive menstrual bleeding also benefit from its consumption5.) Combatting Depression: Groundnuts haave tryptophan which are precursors of serotonin (the happy hormone). Tryptophan may raise serotonins’ anti-depressant effect when ingested.

6.) Lowers Risk of Weight Gain: Research has shown that people who eat nuts at least two times weekly are much less likely to gain weight than others. With this in mind, it is also very important you know this: a handful of peanuts (50g) contains about 250kcal; if you are on a weight loss regimen, its best you let your dietitian give you alternatives to peanut or workout a plan that’ll accommodate peanuts.

7.) Skin Protection: Vitamin E in peanuts help in maintaining the integrity of mucous membrane and the skin. It also protects the skin from free radicals. The effect of Groundnuts on the skin is a whole new article on its own, just stay tuned.

Side Effects of Eating Too Many Peanuts:
1.) Peanuts are high in calories (viz their oil content). This could cancel their weight loss effect.
2.) Phytic acid in Groundnuts could interfere with the absorption of minerals.
3.) Salted peanuts are high in sodium which are not heart friendly.
4.) Groundnuts if excessively consumed can cause acne and pimples. They contain fatty acids which enter the sebum of blocked sebaceous glands and trigger inflammation of these glands, causing pimples.
5.) They are frequently contaminated withh a carcinogenic mould called aflatoxin.

Tip: To improve the protein in peanut, brewers yeast can be mixed into it. This is especially useful for vegetarians.

Serving Suggestion:
1.) Add peanuts to steamed vegetables for great flavor.
2.) Serve your popcorn with Groundnuts for a complete and delicious snack.
3.) Toast to enhance flavor. Bake for 5-10 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
4.) Top hot or cold cereal with peanuts for a nourishing breakfast.
5.) Sprinkle peanuts on top of non-fat yoghurt.

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This is for those broke ones like me that may not be able to afford a dentist appointment for a teeth bleaching. Here are some valid, affordable home remedies to that brown/yellow teeth (as the case may be). Your sparkling dentition is just inches away from grasp.
well, these first group of tips i’m going to recommend only when an immediate need for a bright smile is imminent. It has been widely publicized and advocated but their risks on persistent use are as well obvious.

1.) Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide: make this mixture into a paste and use to brush the teeth. Baking soda is a wonderful cleaning agent and hydrogen peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent that works great to keep the teeth and gum clean and germ free. Make sure this mixture is runny and not gritty to minimize enamel loss.
Warning: Baking soda is acidic and on continuous use can erode the enamel and gums.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar: This makes aalot of sense, especially for nicotine and coffee.. Itt works excellently. But it takes at least a month to see its wonders.
Warning: it’s acidic nature spells doom for the teeth, therefore after use, be sure to brush with preferably a non-flouride tooth paste or rinse the mouth out really well.

3.) Straw berry treatment (lol, not for we in Naija anyway): I found out strawberries contained malic acid which does wonders for the teeth. Just rubbing it on the teeth alone . Mixed with baking soda too is awesome and would work just after two days of usage
Warning: malic acid (being an acid) would destroy the enamel as well if used for too long a period.

These are much safer but may take a longer time
1.) Fruits and Vegetables: This is the one millionth reason to eat ur veggies. Research shows that eating nuts, raw carrots, apples and cauliflower can help keep the teeth clean by removing surface stains andd plaques that lead to cavities.

2.) Hydrogen Peroxide: Bleaching the teeth with hydrogen peroxide is acknowledged by the American Dental Association to be safe and hygienic. Brush with hydrogen peroxide and your toothpaste once a week or mix with equal quantity of water and use in rising the mouth.

3.) Lemon Juice and Hydrogen Peroxide: Squeeze half a lemon or lime and mix with a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide, dab with aa cotton swab and apply on teeth thoroughly. Leave for a minute and brush. Don’t leave too long because the acidic nature of the lemon/lime could wear away your precious pearly whites.

4.) Coconut oil Pulling: Simply put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish between your teeth for 5-20 minutes or add to ur brush and tooth paste when brushing. As coconut has anti-microbial properties, it’d be good for your gum as well.

5.) Activated Charcoal: Charcoal is very powerful. (an article on this is underway). Charcoal has the ability to pull out stains, bacteria and toxins from the mouth. It is quite safe and takes at most three days to give u that dashing smile u desire. Please endeavour not to ingest.. at least not too much.
So there, after much research here are tips to give you that heart warming charm u desire on ur lips. Hope this has been helpful. 
Have a smileful week!

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