
The Role of a Healthy Breakfast in Preventing Diabetes.


The Sweet Death And Your Breakfast.

Healthy Eating Starts With A Healthy Breakfast.
Investing in a healthy breakfast would reduce the global burned of diabetes and save billions in lost productivity and health-care costs. A healthy Breakfast decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Food which reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes such as vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and unsaturated fats need to be available and cheap, energy dense foods shunned for breakfast. Skipping breakfast also is associated with weight gain!

Individuals can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by:
1.) Choosing water or unsweetened coffee or tea instead of fruit juice, soda and other sugar sweetened beverages.

2.) Eating at least three servings of vegetables everyday including green leafy vegetables.

3.) Choosing nuts, a piece of fresh fruit or sugar-free yoghurt for snacks.

4.) Limiting alcohol intake to two standard drinks per day.
Choosing lean cuts of white meat, poultry and seafood instead of processed meat or red meat.

5.) Choosing peanut butter instead of butter or chocolate spread or jam for bread.

6.) Choosing whole-grain instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, whole grain pasta instead of refined pasta.

7.) Choosing unsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, corn oil or sunflower oil) instead of saturated fat ( animal fat, palm oil, ghee, butter or coconut oil).

While choosing from these seemingly healthy options, keep in mind that MODERATION IS KEY.

You wouldn’t gulp 1/2 cup of olive oil because its healthy.

These recommendations will also help someone with diabetes to achieve stable control.

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