
neural tube defects


The Latest Research on the Health Benefits of The Okra

1.) Carbohydrates from the okra plant can improve the quality of food products such as butter, mayonnaise, yoghurt and fruit drinks. Katerina Alba from the University of Huddersfield is investigating the potential of carbohydrates extracted from the pods of the okra plant. She posits that it could improve the quality of the product- it’s consistency, texture and shelf life.

2.) They have been found out to be a source of hydrocolloids. These help in absorption of fluids and healing necrotic, sloughy, granulating and epithelializing wounds through this medium.

3.) A study published in 2011 in the ISRN Pharmaceuticals shows that okra can be used effectively in managing and stabilizing blood glucose. The researchers noted that okra is a rich source of dietary fiber and has been traditionally used to manage diabetes. Note that this doesnt mean okro is a cure for diabetes.

4.) May Help Lower Cholesterol: A study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societes for Experimental Biology found our that okra extracts may lower cholesterol levels. The okra interfered with cholesterol absorption and production.

5.) Good source of Antioxidants: These prove important for preventing heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Okra contains some including catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin, quercetin and rutin.

6.) Combats Gastritis: Inflammation of the stomach linings are effectively reduced by okra. Polysaccharides in okra appear to inhibit the adhesion od Helicobacter pylori, an inflammatory bacteria known to cause gastritis to the stomach linings.

7. A cup of okro (100g) would help supply about 15% of a woman’s daily need of folate. Folate (vit B9) helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in infants.

A concerns arose which is that;
*When consumed with metformin, the effect of metformin (a medication used to manage blood sugar) was almost cancelled all out. Therefore, if metformin is taken with okra, the blood sugar creeps up.

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