
Diet Treatment of Erectile dysfunction

LifeStyleMen’s HealthWomen’s Health


Regular Physical Activity Can Lead to Enhanced Arousal!

During exercise feel good chemicals called endorphins are released, and this same release happens during sex. The more frequently one can trigger these endorphins release via sex or exercise, the easier it is to become sexually aroused. The sex organs depend a lot on blood pressure. The brain sends signals to them that causes vessels to swell with blood. Your heart is responsible for pumping the blood. If your heart isn’t at its healthiest, it can cause problems with blood flow from the heart to the vessels in the vagina and penis. This can make it difficult to achieve a full arousal and affect overall sexual satisfaction. Make sure your circulatory system is working at top shape, because basically, what’s good for your heart is good for your sexual health!

Sex and Exercise

Strength training could be just what the doctor ordered for your sex life. The reason being that “weight lifting causes the body to produce testosterone , which is the primary precursor for the male sex drive,” says McCall, who recommends lifting enough to feel fatigue by the 10th repetition. In fact, some studies have linked short intense exercise, such as weight lifting, with increased testosterone levels. To improve your sex life, do some push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches. These muscle-building exercises can help lead to better sex by strengthening the shoulders, chest, and abs. Strong upper body strength can increase stamina since these muscles are most used during intercourse.


sex and exercise

Kegels is a wonderful exercise for both the male and female sexual health because these exercises can help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles — the ones that let you stop the flow of urine mid-stream. They help the men stay harder longer and prevent premature ejaculation. For the women, it’s keeps yuuou tight and firm down there and helps you achieve orgasm faster! (tip: try doing this exercise while he’s inside you and watch the both of you explode together). Named after Los Angeles physician Arnold Kegel, they strengthen the muscles in your body’s pelvic floor, which can lead to better sex. “Men can use Kegels to delay ejaculation by contracting these muscles just before orgasm,” says McCall. To do Kegels, start by interrupting the flow of urine when going to the bathroom to get familiar with your PC muscles. After that, you can do Kegels anytime and any place by squeezing the PC muscles. Hold for 10 seconds, relax, and do as many reps as you can before tiring.

Fast Walking:

In a study of 31,000 men over age 50, Harvard researchers found that aerobic exercise resulted in a 30-percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) . More specifically, according to another study, aerobic activity that burns at least 200 calories per day (equal to fast walking for two miles) can significantly lower the risk of ED. Brisk walking is thought to help ED by improving circulation and blood flow. “Fast walking, running, and other aerobic activities help your sex life for the same reason that they prevent heart attacks,” says McCall. “They keep your blood vessels clear.” The result can be stronger and longer erections. Vigorous activities, such as running and brisk walking, also release endorphins and relax you, which can boost sexual performance.


sex and exercise

In another Harvard study of 160 male and female swimmers, swimmers in their 60’s reported sex lives comparable to those in their 40s. Since sexual activity can be an act of endurance, long-distance swimming can keep you going and going like the Energizer bunny. “Swimming for at least 30 minutes three times a week will increase sexual endurance,” says McCall. Swimming is also a great activity for weight loss, which can also lead to better sex. A randomized, single-blind study of 110 obese men with ED found that losing just 10 percent of their body weight improved sexual function in one third of the men. And it’s no secret that losing excess body fat will help attain those six-pack abs and make you more attractive to potential partners. The result: better sex!

Core Strengthening:

sex and exercise

Strength in the abdomen, pelvis, middle and lower back is what “core strength” refers to. A couple of good exercises to improve core strength are abdominal crunches and alternate arm leg raises. Alternate arm leg raise is where you begin on all fours facing down with knees bent, and then lift the opposite arm and leg at the same time. Hold this for a few seconds and then swap sides. Not only will this be good for your core, it will also work your shoulders and glutes, plus help with balance .

Upper Body Work:

Any sexual position where you have to support yourself using the arms (such as missionary for the man) requires strength in your upper body. Key exercises to help strengthen are push ups, which work the chest and triceps, the rowing machine in the gym, or using free weights to do various upper body sets, such as bicep curls, tricep push backs, and shoulder press.

Try This:

Lie on your back, hands supporting your neck, knees bent, and your feet on the floor. Then bring your body up just enough to get your shoulders off the ground. Do 3 to 5 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.
For additional ab strength, Weil suggests men and women also do bridges. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, lift your hips up and down for 3 sets of 15 reps. Men can also try pelvic tilts. Standing up or lying down, straighten your lower back and pull your belly button in until your lower back touches the wall or floor. Women can try Kegels.


sex and exercise

“This exercise will keep your back as strong as it can be”, Weil says, and give your legs and torso a workout too. You start in a neutral bent-over position and raise a weighted barbell or dumbbells from the ground.



Just like the previous exercise, everyone has heard of these.
Squats will help you in a very similar way to how deadlifts help you: through hip extension. These can be very tiring as well, so if you’re performing high reps, you’ll definitely be getting some cardio in as well. And we all know how much that can help in the bedroom.

sex and exercise
But another, and often overlooked way, that squats can help your sex life is by getting you used to standing while carrying weight. Many people have the fantasy of having sex against the wall while holding their partner. This is something that requires a great amount of strength and not a lot of people can do this. Squats will develop your leg and back strength to such an extent that you’ll quickly see that holding your partner against the wall isn’t as hard as it seems to be. Many people are scared to perform these as well, out of fear of injuring their knees. As mentioned before, if performed correctly, squats are 100% safe. Take your time to learn the form, and do not feel obliged to lift heavy weights!


These are a great exercise that will really come in handy while you’re in missionary position. This position can be very exhausting for your arms and abs. What better way to get better at missionary than basically mimicking the movement?
There are many ways that you can perform planks . The first and most simple way is to do a plank on your elbows. The next step up would be to hold it in a push up position. If that get’s too easy for you, then you can hold it while having your hands on an exercise ball instead of the ground. The last variation is the hardest, but also the most effective, and the one that will benefit you the most in bed. Keeping a tight core while your body wants to move around is directly going to benefit you while you’re

Interval Training (HIIT):

Sex isn’t a sprint…well, not always. It has a cardio component to it. But something that a lot of people forget is that sex isn’t something that you do at a constant rate. You go fast. Then slow. Then fast. Then slow. You’re always changing it up. And your training should reflect this.
This is where interval training comes into play (also known as HIIT , high intensity interval training). HIIT can be done with your preference of cardio. I like to do it on the bike.

sex and exercsie
The way it works is you split your workout into intervals. You sprint all out for 15 seconds, and then go at a steady state for 90 seconds. You keep switching between the two for a total of 10-15 min.
Incorporating HIIT into your workouts will have you ready for exactly what’s to come later that night in the bedroom.


Leg Raises:

This is an ab exercise that your girl will thank you for doing.
We all know that the g-spot is located at the top of the vagina. To hit the spot during sex, we have to tilt our pelvis upwards as we thrust. This is exactly what leg raises achieve. You are raising your legs to your chest, effectively training your ability to tilt your pelvis upwards.
Leg raises can be done either with a back support, or by hanging off of a pull up bar, or with bent legs, or with straight legs. The latter is more difficult in both cases, but if you can work your way to being able to doing those, you’ll definitely see the benefits.

Groin Stretches:

sex and exercise
Flexibility is an often overlooked aspect of sex for men. Most people believe that the woman is the only one that needs to be flexible.
What happens when you have been having sex with the same person for years on end? Things start to become stale. You’re going to start wanting to try different things in the bedroom. And these things may require a degree of flexibility from you. Flexibility isn’t only going to help you in the future. It’s going to help you today. As I mentioned earlier, there are many different ways to have missionary sex. Many women like having their legs spread far out as they’re in that position, but not all can maintain that position without help. How do you help her do this? By spreading your legs as well, similar to a frog, which will give her leverage to spread hers.
This is something that is possible by having a flexible groin. A great stretch for your groin is the bottom of the squat. Sit at the bottom of the squat position and use your elbows to push your knees outwards. Hold this stretch for approximately 30 seconds.

Try doing some (or all) of the above workouts to improve your sexual technique, endurance, and flexibility. Your mate will be impressed with your sexual powers and, as a side benefit, you’ll get healthier and fitter along the way.

More Tips and Sources Tomorrow, don’t be too greedy lol!

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Erectile dysfunction is a hidden menace to many men today. Many have turned to herbs, supplements and even Viagra on advice of unprofessional individuals and friends. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by improperly treated STD’s, weak pelvic muscles, deficiencies in some nutrients such as vitamin D among others. Some drugs like Viagra could help on the short term but they cause dependence on the long term. Dietary and lifestyle adjustment, appropriate exercise and herbal supplements help better and provide permanent solution to erectile dysfunction.
Let’s see some long term solutions.

Recent Discovery (Vitamin D):

The list of possible causes of erectile dysfunction is long, yet one option is often overlooked, until recently. The results of numerous studies have indicated that vitamin D deficiency is linked to erectile dysfunction. If that’s the case, men who are living with this sexual challenge can take immediate action to help remedy this problem by taking vitamin D supplements. First, however, you should determine your vitamin D status to see if you have a deficiency.

Could vitamin D deficiency be causing your erectile dysfunction?

Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are common around the world.Deficiency of vitamin D(levels of 20 ng/mL or lower) has been reported in more than 80 percent of some adult populations. TheVitamin D Councilrecommends a level of 40 to 80 ng/mL as healthy. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, you should talk to your doctor about having a blood test to determine your vitamin D levels.

What do studies say about vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction?

In one recent study, the investigators noted that endothelial dysfunction is a major player in erectile dysfunction. This is a condition in which the endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels) is in a state of imbalance and can result from and/or contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, septic shock, and high cholesterol, or it can result from smoking, exposure to air pollution, and other environmental factors.

Since it’s known that a deficiency of vitamin D promotes endothelial dysfunction, correcting the deficiency could be a positive step toward helping men who have erectile dysfunction (ED). Therefore, a team decided to evaluate the role of vitamin D in 143 men: 50 who had arteriogenic ED, 28 with borderline ED, and 65 with non-arteriogenic ED.

Arteriogenic ED is when the arteries do not supply enough blood to the penis to allow for an erection. This can be caused by various factors, such as narrowing of the arteries, diabetes, or injury to the penile artery.

What about vitamin D deficiency, ED, and diabetes?

We already know that diabetes is a risk factor for ED, since it involves a reduction in endothelial function. A 2016studylooked at the relationship between vitamin D levels, erectile dysfunction, and vascular disease in 2 men with type 2 diabetes. After extensive evaluation, the experts demonstrated a “significant association” between vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction in men with type 2 diabetes, and they believe it may be due to the impact of the deficiency on testosterone levels, endothelial dysfunction, and cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides).

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, it’s important to ask your doctor for a simple blood test to determine your vitamin D levels. How much vitamin D should you take?That’s a question you should discuss with a knowledgeable health professional who considers your personal needs. Adequatevitamin D supplementationcould be the answer you are looking for.


Studies indicate that antioxidant compounds called flavonoids help improve cardiovascular health by increasing blood flow and the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood. Chocolate, particularly the dark variety, is rich in flavonoids. Milk chocolate is lower in flavonoids and contains higher amounts of sugar and fat.

Reach for Watermelon

This favorite picnic fruit may actually improve your sexual function. Research from Texas A&M University found a connection between watermelon and ED. A compound found in the fruit called citrulline helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, much like ED medications do.

What About Herbal Supplements?

Using herbal supplements to treat any condition is controversial, as their efficacy and safety are not always rigorously investigated. There are a few herbs, however, that have shown promise in treating ED. According to the Mayo Clinic, the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been shown to improve libido in women and to help with ED in men. L-arginine, an amino acid, may help widen blood vessels to improve blood flow but side effects like nausea and diarrhea are associated with it. Ginseng also has been shown to help improve ED. Always speak with a professional before trying any supplement.

Green Vegetables:

Leafy green vegetables, like bitter leaf, ugu, scent leaf and spinach, may increase circulation because of their high concentration of nitrates. Beet juice has been found to be high in nitrates. Nitrates are vasodilators, which means they open up blood vessels and increase blood flow. The ED drugs used today are based on the relaxing effects of nitrates on the blood vessels that supply the penis.


Pay attention to your vascular health. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides can all damage arteries in the heart (causing heart attack), in the brain (causing stroke), and leading to the penis (causing ED). Low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and obessity also contribute. Check with a doctor to find out if your vascular system — and thus your heart, brain, and penis — is in good shape or needs a tune-up through lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medications.

Exercise (kegels):

A strong pelvic floor enhances rigidity during erections and helps keep blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. A three months of twice-daily sets of Kegel exercises (which strengthen these muscles), combined with biofeedback and adjustment on lifestyle changes — quitting smoking, losing weight, limiting alcohol — works far better than just advice on lifestyle changes. But do not expect to see immediate improvement, these adjustments gently heal you, thereby making it more permanent. Continue for a period of two to three months and you won’t regret it!



Barassi A et al .Vitamin D and erectile dysfunction.Journal of Sexual Medicine2014 Nov; 11(11): 2709-800

Caretta N et al. Hypovitaminosis D is associated with erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.Endocrine2016 Jan 12 Epub ahead of print

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