
Canned Foods



Yesterday I did a piece on the health risks associated with the consumption of sardines and I promised a sequential article to the contrary. Sardines are known suppliers of vitamin D, Calcium, Polyunsaturated fatty acids among others and bears so very many health benefits. See for yourself;

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Sardines are named after Sardinia, the Italian island where large schools of these fish were once found. While sardines are delightful enjoyed fresh, they are most commonly found canned, since they are so perishable. With growing concern over the health of the seas, people are turning to sardines since they are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, feeding solely on plankton, and therefore do not concentrate heavy metals, such as mercury, and contaminants as do some other fish.
Health Benefits
Promote Heart Health
Sardines are rich in numerous nutrients that have been found to support cardiovascular health. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels; one serving (3.25 ounce can) of sardines actually contains over 50% of the daily value for these important nutrients. Sardines are an excellent source of vitamin B12, ranking as one of the World’s Healthiest Food most concentrated in this nutrient. Vitamin B12 promotes cardiovascular well-being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance; homocysteine can damage artery walls, with elevated levels being a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

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Promote Bone Health
Sardines are not only a rich source of bone-buildingvitamin D, a nutrient not so readily available in the diet and one that is most often associated with fortified dairy products. Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health since it helps to increase the absorption of calcium. Sardines are also a very good source of phosphorus, a mineral that is important to strengthening the bone matrix. Additionally, as high levels of homocysteine are related to osteoporosis, sardines’ vitamin B12 rounds out their repertoire of nutrients that support bone health.
Promote Optimal Health
For many years, researchers have known that vitamin D, in the form of calcitriol, participates in the regulation of cell activity. Because cell cycles play such a key role in the development of cancer, optimal vitamin D intake may turn out to play an important role in the prevention of various types of cancer.
Packed with Protein
Sardines are rich in protein, which provides us with amino acids. Our bodies use amino acids to create new proteins, which serve as the basis for most of the body’s cells and structures. Proteins form the basis of muscles and connective tissues, antibodies that keep our immune system strong, and transport proteins that deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies.
Individual Concerns
Sardines and Purines
Sardine contain naturally occurring substances called purines. Purines are commonly found in plants, animals, and humans. In some individuals who are susceptible to purine-related problems, excessive intake of these substances can cause health problems. Since purines can be broken down to form uric acid, excess accumulation of purines in the body can lead to excess accumulation of uric acid. The health condition called “gout” and the formation of kidney stones from uric acid are two examples of uric acid-related problems that can be related to excessive intake of purine-containing foods. For this reason, individuals with kidney problems or gout may want to limit or avoid intake of purine-containing foods such as sardines.

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Preservative Oil

This refers to the oil that bathes the canned sardines. Although the sardine is made up of unsaturated oils, this oil isn’t so healthy.Depending on the size of the fish, a 100g serving consists of one or two sardines. When they’re canned in oil, a 100g serving has 59 calories. Even if the sardines come canned in tomato sauce, the same portion still has 52 calories. Getting too much salt is also a potential concern because you’ll get 87 milligrams of sodium from a 100g serving of sardines canned in oil. The sodium actually goes up to 117 milligrams when they’re in tomato sauce. Based on the recommended daily intake of 1,500 milligrams, 100g of sardines provides 6 percent to 8 percent of your daily sodium.
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On the contrary, this article is not meant to discredit sardines: in fact I intend on doing another article on it’s health benefits tomorrow, these contributions to bone, heart, brain e.t.c health far outweighs it’s health risk. But it certainly does not hurt to know, right? So I saw this article somewhere and after proper scrutiny I decided to bring it to you guys. Enjoy.
Oily fish is known to have many health benefits due to the heart-healthy essential fatty acids it contains. A quick, convenient way to meet your oily fish quota without having to cook is to grab a canned variety, such as sardines. While these are healthy options, there is a chance you could overdo it and eat too many sardines, which could pose a few problems.

Message on Mercury

One potential danger associated with eating fish on a regular basis is the risk of ingesting too much mercury. Those who particularly need to watch their intake of mercury are pregnant women and women looking to get pregnant, warns the Food Standards Agency. David Evers, executive director of the Biodiversity Research Institute notes that even relatively low intakes of mercury can be potentially damaging to any person’s health.

Good News

While certain fish such as shark, marlin and swordfish contain higher levels of mercury, sardines are classed among the lowest mercury-containing fish. The American Pregnancy Association advises that pregnant women and those looking to conceive should limit their intake to two 6-ounce servings each week. For otherwise healthy individuals, a higher intake than this shouldn’t be an issue.

Battling BPA

Bisphenol A is a chemical that can be found in some cans and bottles of the food you eat. Dr. Jen Landa, chief medical officer of BodyLogicMD, says BPA has been shown to increase tumor growth and also could increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart attacks and breast cancer. Your best bet for avoiding BPA is to look for sardines that come in BPA-free cans or to choose fresh sardines.

Benefits Vs. Negatives

The health risks involved with eating sardines are relatively small compared to the benefits gained from eating them. Sardines are high in healthy omega-3 fats, which can reduce inflammation and help with infant brain development. American Heart Association guidelines recommend eating a minimum of two 3.5-ounce servings of oily fish, like sardines, each week.
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