



alzheimers disease
When your stomach is empty, it produces a hormone called ghrelin that causes hunger. Think of ghrelin like the gremlin that is sabotaging your weight loss efforts. If you let yourself go hungry, your cravings will be too intense to resist!The trick is to stay full. The way to get rid of the “ghrelin gremlin” is to eat wholesome foods that suppress your appetite 
 An Apple a Day: 
Avoid extra visits to your doctor due to unbalanced blood sugar. Soluble fiber in apples, called pectin, reduces the amount of sugar and calories that’s absorbed into the bloodstream after a meal. That’s good news for folks who want to prevent type 2 diabetes, but it also makes apples one of the best snacks for dieters. Apple pectin prevents spikes in blood sugar that lead to increased fat storage. It will help you avoid the blood sugar “crash” that leaves you craving more food. 
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate you can’t digest. This is great news for weight loss because it meansfiberhas no calories. One of the richest sources of insoluble fiber is wheat bran. Fill up your stomach with a large glass of water and 1 or 2 tablespoons of bran and you will stop the release of the hunger hormone ghrelin for approximately an hour (results will vary depending on the person). Bran absorbs water and moisture in the stomach, becoming a sponge. It physically expands in the stomach and makes you feel full, so you will eat less. Start off taking small amounts and gradually increase the dose depending on how your body responds.  
Just a handful of almonds is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. Almonds have also been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people and help with weight management, according to a study presented at The 2006 Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting. 
Ginger Roots:
ginger root for its amazing digestive powers. Whether it’s in a smoothie or in an Indian dish (sorry, ginger ale doesn’t count!), ginger works as a stimulant that energizes the body and improves digestion, thereby making you less hungry.
Green Tea: Green tea can help you to stop mindlessly snacking, and nutritionists say that the catechins in green tea help to inhibit the movement of glucose into fat cells, which slows the rise of blood sugar and prevents high insulin and subsequent fat storage. And when your blood sugar is more stable so is your hunger! Green teacontains an amazing phytonutrient called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that increases the hormone CCK (cholecystokinin), which is responsible for creating the feeling of satiation. Feeling full between meals is the greatest weapon against the battle of the bulge. EGCG also stimulates your metabolism by activating thermogenesis, which means your cells are burning energy–including fat! In the short-term, this may help you feel satiated for 2-4 hours, depending on what kind of meal you ate recently. Over the long-term, if you drink green tea daily, it will help prevent storage of excess fat and improve your body’s fat-burning ability. Because it also affects your appetite-regulating hormones, it can change how your body metabolizes food and handles cravings.
Get spicy:
According to recent research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, just half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper can boost metabolism and cause the body to burn an extra 10 calories on its own. Not to mention that for those who don’t regularly eat spicy meals, adding cayenne pepper cuts an average of 60 calories from their next meal. Do that at two meals a day for a month and you’ll lose 4 pounds without even trying!
Studies have shown that eating an egg or two for breakfast can help dieters feel more full over 24 hours than if they eat a bagel with the same amount of calories. In the same study, those who ate eggs ingested an average of 330 fewer calories over the course of a day than the bagel-eaters. Food for thought, no?
According to food scientists, potatoes contain a special type of starch that resists digestive enzymes, making them stay in your stomach longer and therefore keep you full. Plus, they’re full of vitamin A and vitamin C
Protein is known for suppressing appetite, but it seems that whey protein is especially good at it. New research shows that after people have a liquid meal with whey protein they consume significantly fewer calories at their next meal than those who had a liquid meal with casein protein. Stock up on whey protein at your local natural foods store to reap this benefit!
Red Wine:
Many people have heard about the health benefits of red wine. When you ferment red wine long enough, it becomes red wine vinegar. And while you wouldn’t want to drink a glass of red wine vinegar, it’s still a healthy, appetite-suppressing addition to your meal. Acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, helps keep food in the stomach for a longer period of time, so release of the hunger hormone ghrelin is delayed. Vinegar also improves digestion, and it helps you feel full faster and for a longer period of time. Acetic acid also helps prevent spikes in blood sugar following and will lower the glycemic index of many foods. Red wine vinegar contains nutrients such the antioxidant resveratrol that has been shown to protect the heart. 
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This topic is a highly useful one. As a guy that has had his fair share of alcohol intoxication, I can tell you hangovers are a reaaal pain. In fact apart from being unhealthy, they are one of the many reasons I don’t drink anymore. Of course, the best cure to hangovers is to not indulge at all, but where is the fun in that?
What Causes Hangovers?
Your liver needs water to process alcohol. When you drink too much, your liver has to divert water from other organs like your brain. This is what causes the throbbing headache of a hangover, while alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach and causes nausea. Drinking also drains the body of vitamins and minerals, and reduces the quality of sleep.Toxic chemicals called congeners contribute to hangovers. They are produced when alcohol ferments, with more found in dark drinks like red wine and brandy. The Royal Society of Chemistry advises you to stick to gin or vodka because they are purified by distillation, but light coloured drinks can still cause hangovers. Quantity is key: if you drink a bottle of white wine (three large glasses), you won’t feel great the next day
Now How to Make Sure You Do Not Feel Disgusting The Next day:
1.) Eat something. Commonly referred to as “soakage”, eating something before a night of drinking definitely helps to lessen the effects of a hangover. In fact, the more you eat, the more time it will take for the alcohol to affect you. This is because food helps to reduce the formation of acetaldehyde in your stomach, and it is this substance that is thought to be the main cause of hangovers. Fatty, carbohydrate-filled foods, such as pizza and pasta, are best for preventing hangovers, as fat slows your body’s absorption of alcohol. However, if you are trying to eat healthily, go for oily fish that contain healthy fatty acids, such as salmon, trout and mackerel.
2.) Take vitamins. Your body uses up a lot of vitamins and nutrients when metabolizing alcohol, while alcohol itself destroys essential B vitamins (especially thiamine and B12). Depleted of these vitamins, your body has a tough time whipping itself back into shape, leading to the dreaded hangover. You can help your poor liver out by taking a vitamin supplement leading up to any major drinking event. For the most effective results, opt for B complex, B6 or B12 vitamins.
Vitamin B supplements can be found in most drug stores and supermarkets, or you can increase your intake of B vitamins naturally by eating liver, meat and other animal products, such as milk and cheese.
3.) Have a spoon of olive oil. This may sound a little gross, but many Mediterranean cultures swear by this hangover prevention technique. Basically, it’s the same principle as eating fatty food before drinking – the fat in the olive oil will limit your body’s absorption of alcohol. So if you can stomach it, swallow a tablespoon of olive oil before you head out for the night. Alternatively, you can increase your intake of olive oil less directly by dipping some crusty bread into it, or drizzling it over a salad.
4.) Drink milk. Milk is often said to help prevent hangovers as it forms a coat on the lining of the stomach, which may help to limit the amount of alcohol that gets absorbed into your bloodstream. While there is little scientific evidence to back up the notion that milk helps to prevent a hangover, there are many people who swear by the method. If nothing else, milk is a healthy source of calcium and B vitamins, so drinking it can’t hurt.
5.) Alternate alcoholic drinks with water. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it makes you urinate more, leading to dehydration. Dehydration is one of the major causes of hangover symptoms like thirst, dizziness and headaches. Therefore, the more water you drink to rehydrate before, during and after drinking, the less severe your hangover is likely to be the next morning. Have a big glass of water before you start drinking, then try to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink that you have over the course of the night. Your body will thank you for it in the morning. Drinking water in between alcoholic drinks will also slow the speed of your alcohol consumption, preventing you from drinking too much too quickly. Your liver needs water to process alcohol. When you drink too much, your liver has to divert water from other organs like your brain. This is what causes the throbbing headache of a hangover, while alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach and causes nausea. Drinking also drains the body of vitamins and minerals, and reduces the quality of sleep.
6.) Sleep. When you go to bed drunk, your quality of sleep that night typically isn’t very good, leaving you feeling tired and groggy the next morning. After getting up, drinking some water and having some food, allow yourself to go back to bed for a nap, if possible. It will take your body several hours to metabolize the alcohol, so you might as well sleep through a couple of them and hopefully you’ll feel much better when you wake up!
7.) Sip ginger tea. Hangovers can sometimes come with a side of upset stomach. To settle that tummy, brew a warm mug of ginger tea. Ginger has been shown to help combat nausea .
8.) A glass of pure fruit juice or smoothie will also lift your blood sugar, and avoid the quick drop that high sugar fixes like pastries will bring. Fruit is packed with vitamin C, which helps your liver to process alcohol.
9.) Bloody it Up: The idea of using alcohol to neutralize alcohol may sound crude but it works. Now I mean specifically a bloody Mary please. This consists of a pint of vodka and tomatoe puree spiced to taste. The tomatoe also helps replace lostt vitamins and minerals and reduce the hangover. A Lot of people testify to the effectiveness of this method.
Take a Glass of Orange Juice: I believe the explanation behind this lies in the reaction between acids (citric acid in oranges) and the alcohol in your system to give an ester (Esterification).
Try not to take your paracetamol with tea or coffee: the combination of painkiller, caffeine and alcohol left in your system has the potential to damage your liver. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen because they can worsen stomach irritation caused by alcohol.

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Get Expert Dietary Counselling, Advice and Management From Dietitians at an Affordable Fee.

Okay this actually started as an idea to educate people on a daily basis on the latest discoveries and research about food, fitness and general health. Well, it continued in this vein until I started getting mails and questions on how to solve such health issues as obessity, pot-bellies, diabetes and so on. Putting in view that I was once a 110kg that now weighs 67Kg achieved in just 8 mths strictly by dietary means, I decided to broaden the spectrum a little and include other ailments for just a token. So now you can get diet kits, meal plans, advice, management and consultancy from the comfort of your home!.. I and my team being at your service once you commit us!!, ISNT THAT GREAt!?!?
Now into the business of the day, Here are a list of diseases and conditions we undertake PURELY DIETARILY so that your results are sustainable, healthy and you get yourself disciplined to eat right while at it.
*This is not for everybody, it’s for you only if you would stick to the diet plan/ menu tenaciously.
Well, this comes from the horses mouth, I weighed 110kg and dropped to 67 in just 8 mths. I didn’t starve myself of one meal, I just ate healthier and applied my knowledge in Nutrition. Even my lecturer did not believe it.
Don’t sweat it, obessity could literally kill you. Its concomitants include diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, arthritis, liver diseases and simply death!
*What we’d do is simply give you the secrets to weight loss, going gradually and subtly so your body does not notice it. I’d tell you healthier substitutes to even the most enticing splurges which would make you loose weight while at it.
* A secret therapy would also be made available to you, which you’d indulge in three days a week for maximum results.
* A 2 week menu would also be sent to your mail box every fort night which you MUST stick to. In event of any inconveniences in the menu, it must be brought to our attention for adjustments.
* Excercise regimens to suit your target and fit into your schedule so you loose weight without even knowing it.
* Regular fitness motivations and inspiration for as long as your membership lasts.
*Access to a personal dietitian whom you can call at any time if you have issues.
* For every new customer you introduce, a percentage is knocked off in your favour.
*Occasional Splurges/rewards and foods that’d help you wash away or cancel the effect of these splurges.
*Regular reviews and adjustments.
*NOTE: Results only start showing after three months, it’s not magic and the fat does not just disappear. It took time to accumulate, so it’d take time to disperse. All we’d do is kick start the process and try to buffer it.
Did you know there were foods which encourage weight loss around the abdomen?just as there are a few exercises which target fat loss in the abdominal area. These would be made available to you. Pictorial guides and daily motivation would be provided as well all in a way that fits into your schedule.
Today, one of the most menacing diseases with its accompanying menaces plaguing the dietetic profession is DIABETES. Instead of spending transport, getting a card e.t.c at a hospital, why not get advice from your home from a trained dietitian currently at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital at a token? All you need to do is get a scale for your food and yourself, a glaucometer and we are set. If you prefer, a menu would be given to you fortnightly as well or a guide would just be issued. Reviews and adjustments are given three weekly as well.
Yeah, I know.. you are probably asking how. Our skin and hair gain nourishment from the food we eat and the right kind of diet (eating culture) could keep ur hair healthy and ur skin milky and glossy. Those pimples, acne and eczema could be cured at home without chemicals; a combination of adequate nutrients and home remedies would get you fresh in between a month and two.
The management of these spectrum of diseases rest solely on two nutrients. You’d recieve a guide on how to prepare your meals to exclude or limit intake of these nutrients as well as some heart friendly foods. Monthly reviews are also available.
Management of CKDs’ could be tricky and require expertise to its effect.A guide to management would be given and a personal dietian assigned to clear all doubts at any time. You will be told the best ways to keep your kidneys hale and hearty while eating almost anything you want.
Excess cholesterol could be disastrous for your heart and liver. After proper blood tests and liver functioning tests which you’d conduct at your location and transmit the result to me, i’d adjust your diet to not only wash the “bad fat” away but also to manage it and prevent recurrences. Liver diseases would also be managed accordingly and reviews conducted as well. Your next test would surely tell you the difference.
There are foods that could heal and placet the seering pain in your abdomen. The lacerations and wounds can be soothed and proper nutrients taken to heal them, this and more are the guides and questions that you’d get answers to if you need them.
To increase fertility, erectile malfunctions and last longer in bed, there are nutrients and foods that work to that effect, all natural and safe!
FOR OTHERS SUCH AS LACK OF SLEEP (INSOMNIA), BONE RELATED DISEASES, DEFICIENCY DISEASES, MOUTH ODOR (HALITOSIS), BODY ODOR AND GENERAL FITNESS, just click on the other tab on our website and get guides to nutritional management and home remedies to all your health chaallenges!
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Did you know that the inexpensive, humble and widely used cabbage can practically work miracles?
Cabbage has the highest amount of some of the most powerful antioxidants found in cruciferous vegetables – phytonutrients such as thiocyanates, lutein, zeaxanthin, isothiocyanates, and sulforaphane, which stimulate detoxifying enzymes. Research has shown these compounds help to protect against several types of cancer, including breast, colon, and prostate cancers. They also help lower the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad cholesterol” levels in blood, which can build up in arteries and cause heart disease.
NOTE: Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they’ve been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw cabbage still has cholesterol-lowering ability, just not as much as steamed cabbage.
Rich in vitamin K; viz bone and brain health:
cabbage provides 85 percent of the body’s daily requirement. This is very important, not only for bone metabolism, but as a known Alzheimer’s disease preventative by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.The presence of Vitamin K and anthocyanins within cabbage can give a strong boost to mental function and concentration. These are primarily found in red cabbage, and vitamin K has been well-researched, although it is often called the “forgotten vitamin”. Vitamin K is essential in the production of sphingolipids, the myelin sheath around around nerves. This wrapping is what protects nerves from damage and decay. Therefore, consuming vitamin K can improve your defense against neural degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.
Digestive Benefits
Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair as it is a huge source of vitamin U (which is actually not a vitamin but an enzyme known as S methylmethionine). Research shows that vitamin U, administered as raw cabbage juice, is effective in promoting the rapid healing of peptic ulcers.
Ulcer-Healing Properties:
Cabbage juice is also one of the strongest stimulants for your body to produce acid. This is a good thing, as many people have low stomach acid, which is the cause of their digestive problems, and will significantly increase the risk of infection. Having a few teaspoons of cabbage juice before eating, or better yet, fermented cabbage juice from sauerkraut, will do wonders to improve your digestion. Other compounds in cabbage that also have the potential to benefit your stomach and intestinal linings include glucosinolates, anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates, antioxidant polyphenols, and the amino acid-like substance called glutamin.
The George Mateljan Foundation recently highlighted some of the latest news about cabbage and topping the list was its potential for cancer prevention. Nearly 500 studies have looked into this connection and revealed that cabbage’s anti-cancer powers are likely related to:
Cabbage contains powerful antioxidants like vitamins A and C and phytonutrients such as thiocyanates, lutein, zeaxanthin, isothiocyanates and sulforaphane, which stimulate detoxifying enzymes and may protect against breast, colon and prostate cancers. Sulforaphane, also selectively targets cancer stem cells, and by doing so it effectively prevents the cancer from spreading and/or recurring. Antioxidants also help protect your body from oxidative stress. The George Mateljan Foundation noted that; “Without sufficient intake of antioxidants, our oxygen metabolism can become compromised, and we can experience a metabolic problem called oxidative stress. Chronic oxidative stress in and of itself can be a risk factor for development of cancer.”
Anti-inflammatory Properties
You need some level of inflammation in your body to stay healthy, however it’s also possible, and increasingly common, for the inflammatory response to get out of hand. If your immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response when no threat is present, it can lead to significant inflammation-related damage to the body, a condition linked to cancer and other diseases, depending on which organs the inflammation is impacting. Cabbage contains a wealth of anti-inflammatory nutrients to help keep inflammation in check. Among them are anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol that’s particularly plentiful in red cabbage, although all types of cabbage contain anti-inflammatory polyphenols.
Glucosinolates are phytochemicals that break down into indoles, sulforaphane and other cancer-preventive substances. Indole-3-carbinol, for example, halts the cell cycle in breast cancer cells without actually killing the cells.3 The cell cycle is a rigidly controlled series of steps a cell must go through before it can divide in two, involving the duplication of the cell’s contents and a final split. If you can alter specific components of the cell cycle, you can stop the growth of cancer cells without killing normal cells. Indole-3-carbinol interferes with the cell cycle in a way that turns off a gene for an enzyme important in the cell’s growth cycle. Interestingly, different types of cabbage (red, green and Savoy) contain different patterns of glucosinolates, which suggests you should try to eat a variety of cabbage for the best health effects. The George Mateljan Foundation expanded that; “ … glucosinolates are cabbage’s trump card with regard to “anti-cancer” benefits. The glucosinolates found in cabbage can be converted into isothiocyanate compounds that are cancer preventive for a variety of different cancers, including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.”
Eye Health:
Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene, so many people, particularly as they get older, turn to cabbage for its ability to prevent macular degeneration and generally promote good eye health and the delay of cataract formation. Beta-carotene has also been positively linked to reduced chances of prostate cancer, which is an extra bonus on top of the other anti-carcinogenic effects of cabbage!
Weight Loss: Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Since cabbage is packed with so many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, it is a healthy dietary option for people to eat a lot of, and it is quite filling, since it has high levels of fiber, which add bulk to the bowels. However, cabbage is extremely low in calories, only 33 calories in a cup of cooked cabbage. Therefore, people can go on the popular “cabbage soup” diet, and eat plenty of food to stay healthy, without gaining excess weight!
Detoxification by cabbage:
Cabbage acts as a good detoxifier too, meaning that it purifies the blood and removes toxins, primarily free radicals and uric acid which are primary causes of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, and eczema. This detoxifying effect of cabbage is due to the high content of vitamin C and sulphur in cabbage.
Other benefits of Cabbage:
Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system, along with keeping the glands of the endocrine system in proper condition. It is good for the brain and is useful in the treatment of neural disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The various other nutrients present in cabbage, such as vitamin-E, keep the skin, eyes and hair healthy. The calcium, magnesium, and potassium found in cabbage is very useful for a wide range of healh benefits. Cabbage can also be used for the treatment of varicose veins, leg ulcers, peptic and duodenal ulcers.
Goitrogen Concerns:
Since isothiocyanates – one category of thiocyanates – are commonly made in the body from other phytonutrients (called glucosinolates) that are especially concentrated in cruciferous vegetables, some people have wondered whether daily intake of cruciferous vegetables can increase their risk of thyroid problems. The answer here is no; there is no research to show that daily intake of cruciferous vegetables in ordinary dietary amounts poses any unwanted risk to the thyroid. In fact, there are many well-documented health benefits from daily consumption of cruciferous vegetables, including decreased risk of colorectal cancer.For the vast majority of individuals, foods containing potentially goitrogenic substances like thiocyanates and isoflavones pose no documented health risk to the thyroid and can be included on a daily basis in a balanced diet. Most of us can simply enjoy the delicious taste of these foods and the amazing variety of nutrients they provide. For individuals with known dietary deficiency of iodine or selenium or both, especially when combined with previously diagnosed thyroid problems, intake of soy foods (high in isoflavones) and cruciferous vegetables (high in glucosinolates that can be converted into thiocyanates) may need to be discussed with a healthcare practitioner.
Reactions: Note that cabbage has quite an amount of vitamin k which counteracts the effects of warfarin. So if you’re on warfarin or any blood thinner its best you steer clear of cabbage.
How to Enjoy
A Few Quick Serving Ideas
1.) Braise red cabbage with a chopped apple and red wine. This is a child-friendly dish since the alcohol (but not the flavor or the flavonoids) will evaporate.
2.) Combine shredded red and green cabbage with fresh lemon juice, olive oil, and seasonings such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and black pepper to make coleslaw with an Indian twist.
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The original plan for today was cabbage; to bring you guys into the light of recent research and ways to consume it but then I stumbled on this article by Prof. Onimawo, a prominent Nutritional Biochemist about how eating suya without cabbage and onions could cause cancer. I was wowed, knowing how much the average youth craves the beef delicacy, so I thought “why not?..lets do this instead”. So here you go!
Suya preparation:
During preparation of suya, the meat is cooked over an open fire, and oils from the meat undergo complex chemical reactions that produce toxins that are carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in nature.
Meat cooked over open flame often causes the formation of toxic compounds known as Heterocyclic Amines, HCAs, which are carcinogenic compounds. The more well-done a meat is cooked, the higher concentration of carcinogenic HCA’s can form.
Explaining that cancer is due to oxidative processes in the body, He said onions are powerful antioxidants that effectively stop the oxidative process triggerred by consumption of suya from taking place,
Further, Onimawo said one of the outcomes of the findings was that women who consume suya, are more prone to cancer (breast cancer) than men because they (women) tend to consume just the suya and ignore the vegetables.
Men eat onions, women eat suya: “This is practically proven. Many young men, take girls out and buy suya to entertain them. Normally, apart from the spices sprinkled on the meat, the suya is served with slices of onions, cabbage and tomatoes in some cases.
“The onion and other vegetables are actually added to act as antidote to the effect of the oil from the suya. Onions neutralise the oxidative effect of the chemicals in the oil and help prevent cancer, but because the young man wants to impress the girl, he will be eating the onions, while the girl eats the suya. At the end of the day he is preventing cancer, unknowingly, while the girl is eating the cancer.
“Much of this information needs to be made more available. I’m not saying suya is bad, on the contrary, it is a great delicacy, but beneficial only when eaten in moderation and along with the onion and cabbage, he stated.”
More concerns
A number of studies support the use of local spices such as ginger, clove, red pepper, black pepper, onion, thyme, oregano and garlic in a meat marinade before grilling also drastically reduce any carcinogens that normally would form on grilled meat.
The suya sauce, a.k.a. Yaji, comprising most of these spices is believed to help ameliorate possible negative effects of the roasted red meat. However, findings link excessive consumption to possible kidney damage.
When meat is cooked in a water base as opposed to grilling, HCAs are eliminated. Meat cooked in a soup or pot will not have carcinogenic HCAs and is a healthier way to cook meat.
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Sorghum is a grain grown in many regions of the world, and is used in our diet in many ways. It can be prepared into a porridge, can be baked into bread, as a cereal with milk, we can make cakes, pancakes, and virtually anything that can be cooked with gluten free flour. Sorghum has a great nutritional value, and because it is gluten free is a great alternative to wheat. In fact, replacing some of the wheat in the diet with gluten free alternatives, such as sorghum, or corn, it’s beneficial even for people with no diagnosed gluten sensitivity.
Besides the nutritional value, sorghum has been proven to be a functional food, with great health benefits, as research shows it.
1.) Sorghum is Very High in Antioxidants
Researchers at Texas A&M University, after an extensive research on sorghum, concluded that regular consumption of sorghum may have a great impact on our health, because of its high content in phytochemicals. Their research cited evidence that sorghum may reduce the risk of cancers and promote cardiovascular health.
2.) Sorghum Against Cancer
Elements found in sorghum called 3-Deoxyanthoxyanins (3-DXA) are discovered to have strong anti proliferative properties and can act against colon cancer cells as per the study and research conducted by scientists at the University of Missouri.
3.) Human Melanoma Treated with Sorghum
Spanish Scientists studied how components in wine and sorghum affected the growth of human melanoma cells. The conclusion of their study pointed both wine and sorghum as efficient in the treatment of human melanoma.
4.) Sorghum is Safe for People with Celiac Disease
Recent research performed in Italy established that sorghum was safe for celiac patients. Patients who were fed sorghum and sorghum derived products, during the experiment, showed no symptoms during the five days of the experiment.
5.)Sorghum May Protect Against Diabetes and Insulin Resistance
Researchers at the University of Georgia Neutraceutical Research Libraries discovered that sorghum bran are effective in protecting against insulin resistance, and diabetes. They also tested wheat, rice and oat bran, and some low-phenolic sorghum bran. The results suggest critical biological processes can be affected by certain sorghum varieties. These processes are important in diabetes and insulin resistance. If the study conducted by the University of Georgia Neutraceutical Research Libraries is to be relied upon, sorghum brans are rich in phenolic manifests and high anti-oxidant components that can cease protein glycation, which is instrumental in developing diabetes. These researches suggest that some varieties of sorghum bran can be quite influential in some biological functioning which is important in insulin resistance and diabetes.
6.) Controls Cholesterol : According to the research and observation of scientists at the University of Nebraska, sorghum is high in phytochemicals and has been studied for managing cholesterol. Different quantities of sorghum lipids were fed to hamsters for nearly a month and it was discovered that the healthy fats found in sorghum drastically cut down bad (non-HDL) cholesterol. Good (HDL) cholesterol was left unaffected. It was concluded that sorghum grains can be used as a staple grain or dietary supplements to control cholesterol levels in human beings.
7.) Rich in Protein : Protein is required to build each segment of your body, which includes different organs, skin, and muscles. Sorghum is equipped with great punch of protein content hence it can be a part of regular meal to stay healthy and fit.
8.) Gluten-free Diet : Sorghum is gluten free and turns out to be helpful for those who are suffering from wheat allergies and celiac disease.
9.) Benefits Your Metabolism
Consuming sorghum benefits your health, thanks to its magnesium and copper content. Magnesium contributes to healthy bone tissue and regulates your body’s calcium levels, while copper boosts your immune system and promotes red blood development. Both minerals also play a role in your metabolism and help your cells produce useable energy. A serving of sorghum offers 91 milligrams of magnesium and 518 micrograms of copper. This provides 58 percent of your daily copper requirement, determined by the Institute of Medicine, as well as 22 and 28 percent of the recommended daily magnesium intake for men and women, respectively.
10.) An extract from West African sorghum may provide anti-inflammatory effects and immune benefits, as well as offer food color and nutricosmetic potential, according to new data.
Warnings Using Sorghum:
Sorghum grain is mostly free from any type of reported side effects but if you are using its syrup the possibility of health drawbacks of sugar cannot be ignored. Excessive of sorghum may lead to pilling up of weight and it is not a safe sugar replacement for diabetics. It should only be used occasionally and other healthy foods must be consumed to round out the suggested regular intake of calcium, iron, potassium and other necessary nutrients. Sweet sorghum cannot mold or spoil but it can change into crystals. If it crystallizes bring it out in a saucepan and leave it under sun or warm it gently using burner. Now stir the syrup when it is warmed up, the crystals will disappear. Now, turn off the burner and pour the syrup back into the same container and keep it back to the cupboard in a dark place for further storage.
Recent Research on Sorghum:
The project, Sweet sorghum for valuable sugars, aims to produce a high-value “healthy” sugar by using sweet sorghum as a biofactory.
“The healthy sugar, isosmaltulose (IM), has low glycaemic and insulin indices which means when added to food it releases energy for the body slowly over time,” Dr Wu said.
“The slow release of energy may have a range of health benefits including preventing the onset of diabetes, reducing tooth decay, improving brain activity and reducing the incidence of obesity.”
Sweet sorghum is an energy-rich (biomass) plant adapted to the hot semi-arid tropics which can produce sugar levels equivalent to sugarcane but in a shorter time frame and with lower water usage.
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Your Food And Your Drugs.

The presence of food in the digestive tract may reduce absorption of a drug. Often, such interactions can be avoided by taking the drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating. Let’s look at specific interactions of some common medications with themselves and nutrients. Ignorance is not bliss!
Although many people do not consider alcohol a nutrient, it affects body processes and interacts with many drugs. For example, taking alcohol with the antibiotic metronidazole
can cause flushing, headache, palpitations, and nausea and vomiting. Doctors or pharmacists can answer questions about possible alcohol and drug interactions.
Drug Disease Interaction:
Sometimes, drugs that are helpful in one disease are harmful in another disorder. For example, some beta-blockers taken for heart disease or high blood pressure can worsen asthma and make it hard for people with diabetes to tell when their blood sugar is too low. Some drugs taken to treat a cold may worsen glaucoma. People should tell their doctor all of the diseases they have before the doctor prescribes a new drug. Diabetes, high or low blood pressure, an ulcer, glaucoma, an enlarged prostate, poor bladder control, and insomnia are particularly important, because people with such diseases are more likely to have a drug-disease interaction.
Oatmeal. The fiber in oatmeal and other cereals, when consumed in large amounts, can interfere with the absorption of digoxin
MAO inhibitors (such as phenelzine and tranylcypromine):
Foods high in tyramine, including many cheeses (such as American processed, cheddar, blue, brie, mozzarella, and Parmesan), yogurt, sour cream, cured meats (such as sausage and salami), liver, dried fish, caviar, avocados, bananas, yeast extracts, raisins, sauerkraut, soy sauce, fava beans, red wine, and certain beers. Severe headache and a potentially fatal increase in blood pressure (hypertensive crisis) can occur if people taking an MAO inhibitor (used most often to treat depression) consume these foods. These foods must be avoided.
Warfarin (an anticoagulant)
Foods high in vitamin K (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and kale). Such foods may reduce the effectiveness of warfarin, increasing the risk of clotting. Warfarin is commonly used to treat or prevent thromboembolic events.There is a possible interaction between warfarin and a high-protein diet.
Some vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, parsley, spinach, and others) are high in vitamin K. Eating large quantities or making sudden changes in the amounts eaten of these vegetables, interferes with the effectiveness and safety of warfarin therapy. Eating charbroiled food may decrease warfarin activity, while eating cooked onions may increase warfarin activity. Soy foods have been reported both to increase and to decrease warfarin activity.
Cholesterol-lowering agent lovastatin should be taken with food to enhance gastrointestinal absorption and bioavailability. Simvastatin, Ezetimibe, pravastatin and fluvastatin may be taken without regards to food. However, high fiber diets may lower the efficacy of these drugs.Consumption of pectin or oat bran together with Lovastatin reduces absorption of the drug, while alcohol intake does not appear to affect the efficacy and safety of Fluvastatin treatment.
Patients placed on anti hypertensive drugs will benefit from concomitant moderate sodium restricted diets.Propranolol serum levels may be increased if taken with rich protein food. A change in diet from high carbohydrates/low protein to low carbohydrate/high protein may result in increased oral clearance. Smoking may decrease its plasma levels of by increasing its metabolism.The intestinal absorption of celiprolol (beta-blocker) is inhibited when it is taken with orange juice. Hesperidin, present in orange juice, is responsible for the decreased absorption of celiprolol.
Glimepiride is an antidiabetic and a new generation sulfonylurea derivative should be administered with breakfast or the first main meal of the day. It has absolute bioavailability and the absence of food interaction guarantee highly reproducible pharmacokinetics. Immediate release glipizide should be taken 30 minutes before meals. However, extended release tablets should be taken with breakfast. The maximum effectiveness of acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor is attained when the drug is taken immediately at the start of each meal (not half an hour before or after), because it delays the carbohydrate absorption by inhibiting the enzyme alpha-glucosidase.
Antibiotics are widely prescribed in medical practice. Food intake can influence the effectiveness of an antibiotic. Avoid co-administration of antibiotics with milk products which are rich sources of divalent ions, such as calcium and magnesium that complex with some antibiotics and prevent their absorption. The intake of dairy products, however, needs to be monitored and encouraged with appropriate consideration of specific antibiotics involved. Antibiotics are encouraged to be taken 1- 2 hours after or before meals.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs:
NSAIDs like ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and others can cause stomach irritation and thus they should be taken with food or milk. Avoid or limit the use of alcohol because chronic alcohol use can increase the risk of liver damage or stomach bleeding. The absorption of ibuprofen and oxycodone when given in the combination tablet is affected by the concomitant ingestion of food.
Analgesics and Antipyretics:
Analgesics and antipyretics are used to treat mild to moderate pain and fever. For rapid relief, acetaminophen should be taken in an empty stomach because food may slow the body absorption of acetaminophen. Co-administration of acetaminophen with pectin delays its absorption.
It is best to take prescription antihistamines on an empty stomach to increase their effectiveness. Rupatadine is commonly used for the management of diseases with allergic inflammatory conditions. A study indicates that concomitant intake of food with a single 20 mg oral dose of rupatadine exhibits a significant increase in rupatadine bioavailability.Cimetidine is given with food to assist the maintenance of a therapeutic blood concentration.
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Halitosis, colloquially called bad breath, is a symptom in which a noticeably unpleasant odor is present on the exhaled breath.

 Of those who have genuine halitosis, often the odor is caused by bacteria present below the gumline and on the back of the tongue.

The first step to solving a problem is a good knowledge of its cause so let’s see those.

A.) Food: Food is a primary source of bad odors that come from the mouth. Some foods, such as garlic, onions, and spicy foods, exotic spices (such as curry), some cheeses, fish, and acidic beverages such as coffee can leave a lingering smell. Most of the time this is short term. Other foods may get stuck in the teeth, promoting the growth of bacteria, which causes bad breath odor.
B.)  Low carbohydrate diets may also cause “ketone breath.” These diets cause the body to burn fat as its energy source. The end-product of making this energy is ketones, which cause a fruity acetone-like odor on the breath when exhaled.
C.) Tobacco products: Smoking and chewing tobacco can leave chemicals that remain in the mouth. Smoking can also precipitate other bad-breath causes such as gum disease or oral cancers.
D.) Poor dental hygiene: When a person does not brush or floss regularly, food particles remaining in the mouth can rot and cause bad odors. Poor dental care can lead to a buildup of plaque in the mouth, which causes an odor of its own. Plaque buildup can also lead to periodontal (gum) disease. The mild form of gum disease is called gingivitis; if gingivitis is not treated, it can advance to periodontitis.
E.) Health problems: Sinus infections, pneumonia, sore throat (pharyngitis) and other throat infections, thrush, bronchitis, postnasal drip, diabetes, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, other stomach problems, and some liver or kidney diseases may be associated with bad breath.
F.) Dry mouth: Also called xerostomia, dry mouth can also cause bad breath. Saliva helps moisten and cleanse the mouth, and when the body does not product enough saliva, bad breath may result. Dry mouth may be caused by salivary gland problems, connective tissue disorders (Sjögren’s syndrome), medications, or breathing through the mouth.
G.) Mouth infections: Cavities, gum disease, or impacted teeth may cause bad breath.
H.) Dentures or braces: Food particles not properly cleaned from appliances can rot or cause bacteria and odor. 
I.) Medications: Many medications, including antihistamines and diuretics, can cause dry mouth (see above), which can cause bad breath. Other medications that may lead to bad breath may include insulin shots, triamterene (Dyrenium), and paraldehyde.
J.) “Morning breath”: Bad breath in the morning is very common. Saliva production nearly stops during sleep, which allows bacteria to grow, causing bad breath.
Other causes of bad breath: Objects stuck in the nose (usually in children), alcoholism, and large doses of vitamin supplements may also cause bad breath.
You know what makes your breathe stink, now how do u get rid of all that unpleasantness?
1.) Oral Hygeine: Gently cleaning the tongue surface twice daily is the most effective way to keep bad breath in control; that can be achieved using a tooth brush, tongue cleaner or tongue brush/scraper to wipe off the bacterial biofilm, debris, and mucus. An inverted teaspoon may also do the job. Scraping or otherwise damaging the tongue should be avoided, and scraping of the V-shaped row of taste buds found at the extreme back of the tongue should also be avoided. Brushing a small amount of antibacterial mouth rinse or tongue gel onto the tongue surface will further inhibit bacterial action.
2.) Eating a healthy breakfast rich in fiber helps clean the very back of the tongue.
3.) Chewing gum: Since dry-mouth can increase bacterial buildup and cause or worsen bad breath, chewing sugarless gum can help with the production of saliva, and thereby help to reduce bad breath. Chewing may help particularly when the mouth is dry, or when one cannot perform oral hygiene procedures after meals (especially those meals rich in protein). This aids in provision of saliva, which washes away oral bacteria, has antibacterial properties and promotes mechanical activity which helps cleanse the mouth. Some chewing gums contain special anti-odor ingredients. Chewing on fennel seeds, cinnamon sticks, mastic gum, or fresh parsley are common folk remedies.
4.) Gargling right before bedtime with an effective mouthwash. Several types of commercial mouthwashes have been shown to reduce malodor for hours in peer-reviewed scientific studies. Mouthwashes may contain active ingredients that are inactivated by the soap present in most toothpastes. Thus it is recommended to refrain from using mouthwash directly after toothbrushing with paste.
5.) Avoid antiseptic mouthwashes, anti-bacterial rinses and sprays. Mints, mouth sprays, mouthwash and gum give you a quick and temporary mask of the odours created by the bacteria on the tongue. However, they do not cure bad breath because they do not remove the source. Anti-bacterial (antiseptic) sprays and mouthwashes destroy the good as well as the bad bacteria in your mouth. Without the good bacteria keeping symbiotic balance, you can become dependent on the use of these sprays to keep your mouth fresh-smelling. As you swallow these mouth-fresheners, they can do a lot of damage in your digestive tract, similar to antibiotics.
6.) YOUR DIET: A low sugar, low refined carbohydrate diet  is perfect for healthy teeth.
7.) See a dentist regularly to ensure dentures or braces are properly fitted and cleaned.
8.) Quit smoking or using chewing tobacco.
9.) Keep the mouth moist by drinking water and chewing sugarless gum or sugar-free hard candy to stimulate the production of saliva. Mouthwash may temporarily mask bad breath odors, but it may not treat the underlying cause.
10.) If bad breath is due to a health problem such as a sinus infection, diabetes, acid reflux, etc., then the underlying medical issue needs to be treated.
11.) For patients who suffer from dry mouth (xerostomia), artificial saliva may be prescribed by a dentist.
A new approach for home treatment of bad breath is the use of oil-containing mouthwashes and two-phase (oil:water) mouthwashes. Essential oils have been found effective in reducing halitosis, and are being used in several commercial mouthwashes.
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Apart from satisfying hunger pangs, consumption of peanuts also make the skin smoothe, supple and younger looking.
Okay, okay..before you crucify me with chants of “Groundnuts cause pimples”, let me address that issue first:
Ground nuts, if excessively consumed can cause acne and pimples. They contain fatty acids which enter the sebum of blocked sebaceous glands and trigger inflammation of these glands, causing pimples.
PhEww, now we’ve got that out of the way, let us face the business of the day:

1.) The. Anti-inflammatory properties of peanuts treat skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema. The fatty acids present in peanuts also reduce swelling and redness. It contains Vitamin E, Zinc and Magnesium whicch keeps the skin glowing from within and fights bacteria which leads to acne. The protein in peanuts also help with cell regeneration.
2.) Peanuts contain a relatively good amount of fatty acids which is believed to be crucial to the brains nerve cells. This brain friendly cell helps with stress management and mood swings to prevent various skin disorders like wrinkles and dullness.
3.) Also, the fibers in Groundnuts is essential for the elimination of waste and toxins. Toxins in the body reflect on the outside causing excess oil, dullness and breakouts. Peanuts help in flushing out these toxins and maintaining a healthy skin.
4.) Peanuts are packed with magnesium which helps in calming our nerves and blood vessels, thereby providing better blood flow to the skin, making it healthy and beautiful.
5.) Vitamin E in peanuts help to defend the skin cells against oxidation and free radical damage. It guards the skin agains UV ray damage from the sun.
6.) Vitamin C is contained in peanuts in moderate amount which helps in production of collagen. Collagen provides the skin with elasticity, preventing wrinkles, stretch marks and discoloration. It sustains tendons, skin and cartilage.
7.) Beta carotene found in peanuts are converted to vitamin A which helps in the growth and repair of body tissues. Therefore, peanuts help in faster healing of wounds and bruises.
8.) They are packed with oMega-3 fatty acids which help our skin reduce inflammation to prevent skin eruptions. It also lowers the risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer. It moisturizes and hydrates the skin from within to treat dry and scaly skin!
Lol, I don’t advocate over-indulgence; too much of everything is bad. A serving portion twice or thrice a week would provide you with all you need to stay young, fresh and beautiful.
Shine on, people!
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Yaaay!,,Its Udara season. Saw the bright yellow delight today in the fridge at home andd I simply couldn’t contain myself!. I sprang one open and dug my teeth into the white, gummy creamy liquid and relished every second of it. Suckling on the seeds and stripping them of their fibrous clothing. But this sweet fruit is not just a beauty to the mouth, it is also a delight to the body. Check it out.

1.) Star apples serve as a good source of calcium, with each serving providing you with 10 percent of the amount you require each day. The calcium lends strength to your bones and teeth, and it may also lessen symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as cramping and abdominal bloating. This fruit also contains 5 percent of the daily recommended value per serving of vitamin C and vitamin A. Additionally, one serving of star apples serves up 2 % of the iron required per day.
2.) Star apples may have particular benefits for diabetics. Research published in the September 2009 edition of the “African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology” indicates that the leaves of this fruit may reduce glucose levels in diabetic rabbits, the same function that insulin serves. Take note, however, that consuming star apple leaves appears to have a toxic affect when eaten in large quantities. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of star apple leaves to control diabetes in humans according to Professor Ignatius Onimawo, a Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry.
3.) Previous studies indicate that the roots, barks and leaves of Agbalumo have been employed in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases. The bark is used for the treatment of yellow fever and malaria, while the leaf is used as an emollient and for the treatment of skin eruption, stomach ache and diarrhoea. The cotyledons from the seeds of Agbalumo are used as ointments in the treatment of vaginal and dermatological infections in Western Nigeria.

4.) Methanolic extract of the cotyledons from the seeds of the fruit led to the isolation of eleagnine, tetrahydro- 2 -methylharman and skatole. Eleagnine was found to be the main compound responsible for its antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial properties of the plant could be attributed to the presence of tannin, anthraquinone and cardiac glycosides. Eleagnine was further shown to exhibit anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

5.) Studies have demonstrated that the leaf extract of udara may not cause any adverse effect on the biochemical and haematological indices of toxicity. Moreover, the extract was found to possess anti-platelet and hypoglycemic (lowers blood sugar) properties and might be employed in the management of myocardial infarction (heart attack) and diabetes mellitus, respectively. Further investigation is needed to establish the anti-platelet property of the extract.
6.) Researchers write that: “Biological actions are primarily due to the presence of phytochhemicals in a very complicated concert of synergistic or antagonistic activities. Mixtures of such chemicals show a broad spectrum of biological effects and pharmacological properties”.
Now you have enough reason to convince yourself to indulge in the Christmas delight. But don’t forget to be careful as the juice could leave nasty residue on the lips and mouth and it’s juice stains white fabric virtually irredeemably.
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