



The earlier we all understand that food and dietary patterns have a way of affecting us emotionally, the better.

If we can be mindful about so many things including what we wear, where we go, who we date etc, then we should also should be able to practise mindfulness not just while selecting ingredients for food or where to eat, but also how to eat.

It sounds quite funny that you’ll have to practise mindfulness when it comes to eating habits, but it is very important as it can help prevent being overweight and also emotional eating which can lead to eating disorders.

In fact, The term “mindfulness” was defined by Jon Kabat-Zinn as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally”.

Mindful eating on its own is a type approach to food that addresses how an individuals senses appeals to food and their experience with that food.

Apart from helping to prevent further weight gain, mindful eating also helps to create a very healthy relationship with food and removes guilt and anxiety that comes with eating for some people.


Honor the food:. Sounds a bit odd, but acknowledging how the food was prepared and who made the food brings to you a sense of belonging.

Engage all senses: The aroma, taste, hotness or coldness of the food helps you appreciate it more. It also helps to pause at intervals and can reduce overeating.

Serve in modest portions: portion control is also part of mindful eating. Making sure that every food is served at the right amount cuts out overeating and wastage too.

Chew thoroughly: These practices can help slow down the meal and fully experience the food’s flavors.

Eat slowly to avoid overeating: carefully masticating food, can help you realise when you are satisfied. This way, you don’t ignore satiety and go on eating, then feel guilty after the meal.

Don’t skip meals: mindfulness about food can always get you excited before every meal. You’re always looking forward to every healthy meal and this way, you don’t skip meals at all. The body/brain has a way of playing on you to unintentionally overeat after skipping a meal.

 Observe: notice your body language. Check out when your body gives you signs that it’s full and stop eating. Eat only when you get hunger cues and not when you are sad or overly happy. Be observant.

Practising mindfulness is highly important to improve your relationship with food. Diseases and eating disorders all come from not being mindful about our food choices. Start from today and become mindful and see the wonders of this practise.




– Am I Mindful eating programs and training [Internet]. Available from Accessed 13 January 2017

– Harris C. Mindful eating: studies show this concept can help clients lose weight and better manage chronic disease. Today’s Dietitian 2013;15:42. Available from Accessed 17 May 2017

– Rossey L. The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger Publications, 2016

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The vegan diet is one that has so many benefits and very little disadvantages if done adequately. This type of lifestyle has actually been linked with lower risk of obesity, heart disease, and premature death, reduces your risk of developing various types of cancer especially colon cancer, manages diabetes by lowering HbA1C levels.

While this type of lifestyle is very beneficial , it is important that you take cognizance of some important nutrients that you might be losing out on, which are:

1. Vitamin B12

Cobalqmin is a water soluble vitamin involved in metabolism. It’s mostly found in animal sources and  deficiency may result in megaloblastic anemia, with symptoms that include difficulty walking, memory loss, and disorientation. Vegans can increase their vitamin B12 intake by taking supplements, fortified plant-based milk, and cereals.

2. Omega 3 fatty acid

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids found mainly found in seafood and fish, but can be found in some amounts in nuts and seeds, plant oils.  These foods avoided by vegans and vegetarians, and are needed for eye, heart, and brain health. Fish oil supplements and certain foods can help with this nutrient like chia seeds, walnuts,  etc.

3. Calcium

Studies have shown that the calcium intake of vegans tends to be lower than recommended intake, and they may have a higher risk of bone fracture. Vegans can increase their intake of fortified plant milk, fortified juices, tofu made with calcium sulfate, and leafy greens to meet their daily calcium needs.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important in bone health and immune, nerve, and muscle function. Vegans can get vitamin D through adequate exposure to sunlight, fortified soymilk and cereals, and supplements

5. Iron

Although Iron can be found in plant foods such as beans, lentils, and certain veggies, this type of Iron is known as non-heme Iron and is not as easily absorbed as the heme Iron found in animal sources. Vegans can increase absorption of this nutrient by combining it with vitamin C food sources.

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General Research

STROKE: How to avoid and manage

The prevalence for stroke In Nigeria is at 1.14 per 1000 people currently.
Stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is blocked or totally cut off. When this happens, the brain gets little or no oxygen and nutrients.

A stroke is a medical emergency which can cause lasting brain damage, long term disability and/or even death.

A stroke can also be termed ‘cerebrovascular accident’.
Strokes are preventable and can be managed.

Based on their causative mechanism, strokes are of two types:
1. Ischaemic stroke
2. Hemorrhagic stroke

ISCHAEMIC STROKE: this stroke occurs when there is blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot( embolus) thereby restricting the flow of blood to the brain.
Other factors like plaque build up (by excess fatty acids) and chronic inflammation might lead to ischaemic stroke.
HAEMORHAGIC STROKE: sudden bleeding in the brain can lead to haemorhagic stroke. Bleeding happens when an artery in or on top of the brain bursts open (aneurysm). The leaked blood can cause the brain to swell thereby putting pressure on the brain and damaging brain cells.

There are risk factors that could lead to a stroke if not paid attention to and they include:
– High blood pressure
– Diabetes
– Heart and blood vessel diseases
– High LDL and cholesterol levels
– Viral infections
– Age
– Sex
– Race and ethnicity
– Family history and genetics
– Smoking.
– Anxiety
– Overweight and obesity,
– Overconsumption of alcohol, using illegal drugs, irregular physical activities, just to mention but a few.

Signs and symptoms always appear almost quickly. The type of symptom depends on the type of stroke and the area of the stroke affected.
– Sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body
– Sudden confusion or trouble speaking
– Sudden trouble walking, dizziness or loss of balance
– Sudden severe headache with known cause

The FAST test is also a good way to identify a stroke
FACE: ask the person to smile, does one side of the face drop?
ARMS: ask the person to raise both arms, does one arm seem to be drifting downwards?
SPEECH: ask the person to repeat a single phrase or speech and watch if their speech is slurred.
TIME: once you notice any of these, take it as an emergency, get medical help.

Apart from numbness or weakness of one part of the body or even both parts, a stroke comes with a handful of complications which includes:
1. Loss of bladder or bowel control
2. Loss of bone density or strength
3. Loss of vision
4. Muscle weakness
5. Problem with language
6. Seizures

Strokes can be diagnosed by medical practitioners through computed tomography (CT SCAN), Magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging tests to look for narrowed vessels in the neck or an aneurysm.

Medicines called anticoagulants or blood thinners might be given by your doctor or procedures like thrombectomy might be performed ( it is used to remove the blood clot blocking your blood vessels).

Some lifestyles and habits must be eschewed to help prevent a stroke and they include:
– Reduce salt intake to about 1500mg especially if you have a history of hypertension.
– Add more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated sources of fat. Examples include nuts, avocadoes etc
– Shun transfat from refined and processed foods
– Quit smoking
– Stay active
– Moderation on alcoholic drinks
– Manage diabetes well if present
– You can adhere to a DASH diet if you know you are hypertensive or have a history
– Consumption of potassium rich food has been noticed to help prevent against a stroke. Examples of potassium rich food includes banana, potatoes, nuts etc.

Strokes develop suddenly most times without prior warning. As much as you can, make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle so you can prevent the onset of stroke.

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“You’re fat! Yikes! That word in our days sounds so demeaning and you can be arrested for it now.

So, how do relate with someone who is abundant? Tell them out rightly, or just leave them alone?

On the other hand,  how do you live with side talks about your weight ?

Well, lets see what this article talks about body positivity:

We live in times where social media totally determines almost everything. The standards are high, and people tend to go by it, like it’s a law book. Jeez! Social media now dictates what type of body is the best type, and this therefore leads to all sorts of cyber bullying and low self-esteem.

This was the reason for the “body-positivity” movement.

Body positivity is the movement that challenges how society and media view people based on their size and body type. This movement seeks to push for the acceptance of all body sizes and types, and help each individual love their body and feel comfortable in it.

This goes for every type of body size, be it slim, thick, or big.

Body image has to be first seen and appreciated by the owner, and not how the outside world sees it. That’s your first start. How you feel about your body size counts a lot, it needs to be viewed from a positive perspective, before you even decide to work on it if need be.

Body image positivity is important because it helps build self-esteem and better mental health.

Having a negative body image can lead to low self-esteem, depression, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, self-harm, mood disorders.
Follow these steps if you want to start practising body positivity:

• Start off by loving yourself. Number one way is to make a list of your favourite things about yourself, and make positive daily affirmations about yourself.
• I know you have favourite outfits, but do away with them and get new ones.
• Practice self-care; rest well, get gifts for yourself etc.
• For your sanity, stay away from Twitter unless you have the mind.
• Surround yourself with positive friends, and unfollow any social media accounts or “influencers” that fixate on dieting, weight loss, and body shaming.

No one should have to feel bad or apologise about their body types, no one should ever feel like they don’t fit into society because of their shape. You’re beautiful in that skin, own it!.
You can love your body and still want to stay healthy while putting it on; but without the guilt and shame that comes with having that body size or shape.


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General Research


The internet has so many people jumping on different products with bogus health claims making them look like pixie dust.

Apple cider vinegar is one of such products with so many purported health benefits. Now this doesn’t mean that apple cider vinegar is pixie dust or adder poison

Apple cider vinegar has some proven benefits and we’ll look into those benefits and limitations in this write up.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Is Made
Vinegar comes from a French word ‘vin aigre’, meaning sour wine. Apple cider vinegar is gotten from a process of ‘controlled spoilage’.

The sugars in apple is digested by yeast thereby converting it into alcohol. Then a bacteria, acetobacter converts the alcohol into acetic acid which gives it a sour taste.

The combination of yeast and bacteria (mother) acts as a probiotic.
The profile of apple cider vinegar which contains probiotics, acetic acid and other nutrients surely provides certain health benefits to the consumer:

1. Apple cider may help with blood sugar control: the exact mechanism behind this is not really known, but some studies suggests suppression of disaccharidase activity, delayed gastric emptying, enhanced glucose uptake in the periphery and conversion to glycogen, and increased satiety. Some studies showed how taking in 20g of apple cider vinegar 30-60mins significantly lowered post pandral glucose levels.

Another study showed that vinegar does not act to decrease glycaemia by interference with enteral carbohydrate absorption.
In all, apple cider vinegar does not cure diabetes and cannot take the place of medication and dietary aides to manage diabetes but can be used alongside medications and diet to help in the management of diabetes.

2. Apple cider may help boost weightloss: some studies suggest that acetic acid can prevent fat deposition and improve metabolism. Taking 1-2 spoons of apple cider vinegar may help in modest weight loss by the mechanism mentioned above.

Studies also showed that participants ate a diet of 250 lesser than their normal daily requirements. Apple cider on its own won’t lead to weight loss, so don’t shove your meal plans and gym routines aside
3. Apple cider helps control blood pressure: no scientific claims to back this up on humans yet
4. Apple cider vinegar will not cure cancer

– It can alter insulin levels thereby possibly leading to hypoglycaemia if taken in high does. Diabetic patients should be aware of this.
– It can damage the tooth enamel due to its high acidity. It should be diluted before consumption
– It might lower potassium levels. People with hypertension who are on diuretics should be careful with usage.

Apple cider vinegar is almost like any other over the counter supplement. It won’t replace healthy lifestyle.


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General ResearchLifeStyle



IF simply involves switching between fasting and eating on your normal schedule.
This method could help you manage your weight and ward off chronic diseases if monitored and done effectively.

Before going into this practice, it is important to know what it entails.
Some basics to know:
– you have to skip one meal
– you can still have your favourite healthy meal while fasting
– you can drink water while fasting
– you can have no-calorie beverages while fasting. Examples include coffee, green or black tea.

So for everyone that has heard about IF or has practised it before, normally, you would skip breakfast while fasting, because it feels easier.
-But, according to a research carried out by USDA economic research service, it was noticed that skipping dinner, reduced more daily calories and lowered diet quality the least when compared to skipping breakfast or lunch.
-Also note that your night fast should be longer than 2 hours and shorter than 24 hours

There are basically 3 popular types of IF:
– 16:8 method
– 5:2 method
– eat-stop eat method.
Others include OMAD, and warrior diet.

16: 8 METHOD

This method involves restricting your eating to just 8 hours windows in a day. you have to fast for the remaining 16 hours of that day.
– It is the most popular and preferred style
– A 2016 study found that when combined with resistance training, the 16/8 method helped decreased fat mass and maintain muscle mass in male participants.
– A more recent study found that the 16/8 method did not impair gains in muscle or strength in women performing resistance training


This method involves eating normally for 5 days in a week, then restricting your calorie intake to 500 calories for the remaining 2 days.
– According to a 2018 study, the 5:2 diet is just as effective as daily calorie restriction for weight loss and blood glucose control among those with type 2 diabetes.

This method involves fasting for 24 hours twice or thrice a week.
– Fasting for 24 hours would lead to a metabolic shift and ause your body to use up fat
– But staying off food for 24 hours might lead to binging and overconsumption.

– IF positively affects the human growth hormone (HGH), especially when done adequately. These hormone levels increase when you do IF, and higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain.
– IF also increases the amount of norepinephrine in our bodies which help to breakdown body fat and facilitate it use for energy
– intermittent fasting decreases androgen markers (i.e., testosterone and the free androgen index (FAI)) while increasing sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels in premenopausal females with obesity.
– fasting may prove to be a valuable tool for treating hyperandrogenism in females with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by improving menstruation and fertility.

WEIGHTLOSS: A 2014 review of scientific literature found that IF can cause 3–8% weight loss over 3–24 weeks, which is a significant amount. Also, participants lost 4-7% of their waist circumference.
CAN REDUCE INSULIN RESISTANCE: IF can help reduce insulin resistance. According to research, it can help reduce blood sugar by 3–6% and fasting insulin levels by 20–31%.
HEART-HEALTH: IF may help to reduce bad cholesterol, and blood triglycerides.
OXIDATIVE STRESS: IF may help reduce inflammation (a key factor in disease processes) and oxidative stress.
BRAIN HEALTH: may increase the brain hormone brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and may help in the growth of new nerves. it also may help prevent alzemheirs
DECREASE IN APPETITE: according to research, time-restricted fasting (16 8), decreased mean ghrelin levels, increased fullness in participants, and decrease the desire to eat.
Also, in the first 12 hours of fasting, there is a slight increase in ketone bodies, this helps in appetite suppression.

– Malnutrition: if not done properly, intermittent fasting could lead to serious malnutrition. some very vital micronutrients and electrolytes might be lacking in your diet if not monitored.
– Dehydration: during a fast, your body tends to release water and salt via the urine. if this water isn’t replenished, you get dehydrated.
– Bad breath: during fasting, fat is used up majorly as fuel. fat metabolism leads to acetone formation which can affect your breath
-fatigue and low energy: when fasting, especially if you are not adequately monitored, with an inadequate intake of calories, you tend to be fatigued due to a low intake of calories
5. Headaches and lightheadedness: this is most common in intermittent fasting and occurs within the first few days especially if you’re a newbie.
6. Hunger and cravings: normally you’d feel hunger cues during your fasting. they tend to be heavier if you don’t do it well.
Most of these side effects should disappear in 2 weeks,

• Know your nutrient needs
• Always incorporate proteins into your eating window
• Know your energy requirements
• Always stay hydrated
• Avoid overeating/undereating
• Maintain a balanced diet
• Try out the different types of IF
• Keep track of your journey
• Adapt a suitable workout routine
• Plan meals
• Speak to a registered dietitian

• If you are underweight
• If you have a history of an eating disorder
• If you are pregnant
• If you are breastfeeding
• If you are on insulin (type 1)
• Anyone with immunosuppression
• Transplant patients
• Chronic kidney diseases
• Poorly controlled diabetes (unless an endocrinologist is involved).
• Adolescents and kids
• Elderly (muscle mass)

The intermittent fasting pattern of eating is quite a beneficial one with side effects that can easily be managed. But, it is important that you are monitored by health practitioners before delving into this type of diet.
Also, before starting, be sure of the type of fast that would suit your lifetyle and schedule.


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General Research


Anxiety can be normal when you’re worried about the outcome of an event, when you’re scared about the future, or when you are expectant. But, recently,  anxiety can be an indicator of an underlying underlying disease when feelings become excessive, all-consuming and interfere with daily living.

How you deal with anxiety matters a lot, so it doesn’t escalate and become a disorder.

Sometimes, anxiety could be as a result of:

  • Battling with a mental health issue such as depression can raise the chances of having anxiety.
  • Going through negative life events like, emotional and verbal abuse, sexual assault, losing a loved one, and much more.
  • The use of certain medication which has an effect of stimulating the nervous system resulting in symptoms of anxiety.
  • Having certain underlying illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, can make you anxious all the time.

In reality, anxiety does more than just getting you scared, worried, or perhaps disconnected from people. It can raise alarm for certain health concerns such as,

  • Having psychological issues which include bipolar disorder, mood swings, psychotic disorder, eating disorder, and much more.
  • You may get tempted to abuse substances like drugs, or alcohol.
  • The digestive tract gets compromised
  • Insomnia may become the new norm
  • Poor quality of life takes the lead

Have you been battling with anxiety for some time now, and have tried quite a lot but still faced with such? Relax, there are dietary means to help curb its effect: 

  • Try bananas- yes! You heard right. Bananas are so helpful when it comes to anxiety management. Findings have shown that consuming bananas can help keep anxiety symptoms far from you. This fruit is a natural beta-blocker that helps block the effect of adrenaline which can trigger anxiety. A research showed that women who ate about 2 fingers of bananas daily were less likely to report symptoms of anxiety. Also, the B vitamin content of banana helps in the production of serotonin (the feel good hormone) which improves mood and anxiety. Findings have also shown that tryptophan (an amino acid) found in banana reduces anxiety and promotes rest and relaxation. 
  • Incoporate fatty fishes- foods such as salmon, mackerel, has been shown to help improve anxiety symptoms effectively. A study reported that individuals who battled anxiety and consumed fatty fishes had their symptoms reduced by 18-34%. Also, another study reported improvements in patients by 20% after consuming fatty fishes for about 3 months. 
  • Incorporate turmeric into your diet- curcumin, an active component found in turmeric has been proven to help perform wonders when it comes to anxiety. It helps to support the gut microbiota, reduces inflammation which alters the feel good hormones (serotonin, dopamine) by increasing the chances of anxiety. A study showed that individuals who consumed turmeric for about 30 days had their anxiety symptoms reduced. 
  • Stock up on yogurt- findings have shown that there is a link between the gut health and the brain. Consuming a food such as the low fat yogurt can help improve the gut health which would positively slow down stress and anxiety. Findings have shown that chronic inflammation may partly influence anxiety and consuming foods such as yogurt would be helpful. 
  • Chamomile : it’s a herb that could be made into tea. It contains some antioxidants that can help lower inflammation associated with anxiety. Also,  it may help regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis, a central part of the body’s stress response.

Remember, you can keep anxiety at bay by just consuming the right quantity of these foods in your diet. Thinking of how to start? Your dietitian is here for you. We are just a click away!





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Diet Therapy of Diseases

Home remedies for stomach uclers.

Ulcers are sores that can develop in different parts of the body, maybe due to inflammation or bruises. 

Gastric ulcers, however, are sores that develop in the lining of the stomach. They are very common and can affect both young and old, men and women alike. 

Unlike popular belief, prolonged hunger is not the actual cause of gastric or stomach ulcers but an infection caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria which can alter the environment of your stomach.

Other common causes include stress, smoking, excess alcohol consumption and the overuse of anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

This article therefore would point to some simple home remedies for ulcer pains. 

1. Cabbage Juice

This particular juice has been used decades before the advent of antibiotics for the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Cabbage juice is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. pylori infections. These infections are the most common cause of stomach ulcers. 

To back this up, several studies have shown how effective this juice is in managing ulcer symptoms. 

In one study, 13 participants suffering from stomach and upper digestive tract ulcers were given around one quart (946 ml) of fresh cabbage juice throughout the day.

On average, these participants’ ulcers healed after 7–10 days of treatment. This is 3.5 to 6 times faster than the average healing time reported in previous studies in those who followed a conventional treatment (9Trusted Source).

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice well known for its yellowish colour.

The active compound in turmeric, called curcumin has been found to have medicinal properties which includes improved blood vessel function and reduced inflammation (a major cause of several diseases).

For ulcers, turmeric can help prevent damage caused by H. pylori infections. It may also help increase mucus secretion, effectively protecting the stomach’s lining against irritants. 

Limited studies have been done in humans. One study gave 25 participants 600 mg of turmeric five times per day.

Four weeks later, ulcers had healed in 48% of participants. After twelve weeks, 76% of participants were ulcer-free.

In another, individuals who tested positive for H. pylori were given 500 mg of turmeric four times per day.

After four weeks of treatment, 63% of participants were ulcer-free. After eight weeks, this amount increased to 87%.

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that offer an array of health effects ranging from your gut to your mind. 

Also, they have ability to fight ulcers as they displace the virus causing the ulcer, if its caused by H,pylori. They introduce new and healthy bacteria to the gut environment.

Although the way this works is still being investigated, probiotics seem to stimulate the production of mucus, which protects the stomach lining by coating it.

Probiotic-rich foods tend to also help stop acid production and also reduce gastric issues especially diarrhoea. 

Good sources include pickled vegetables, kempeh, miso, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha, Pap.

These foods can help manage ulcer symptoms and ease ulcer pains, they don’t have the ability to cure ulcers. So, it won’t be advisable to leave your drugs and focus on only these foods.






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General ResearchLifeStyle



Do you know what is funny? How people think alcoholic beverages can be taken without caution because most of them seem to be bitter.

So, you see people taking bottles/cans of beer, and shots of spirits at a sitting, feeling it won’t be detrimental to their health.

Our work-hard-party hard kind of lifestyle has made it possible for the risk of hypertension to be increased especially among youths. Hypertension is a lifestyle disease, so we must all be able to look at our lifestyle and make a change to it.

Also, the idea that alcohol is a stress reliever, makes it possible for people to consume without caution which in turn hurts the liver and brain, possibly leading to hypertension


Alcohol is one of the modifiable ways to reduce hypertension. The link between alcohol and hypertension is clear as alcohol is a major contributory factor in hypertension

Studies have shown that taking more than three alcoholic drinks a day can increase the chance of developing hypertension in later life by up to 75%.

Alcohol has both direct and indirect links to hypertension: It can cause you to gain weight which is linked to hypertension, and it can also directly affect your blood pressure readings.

Furthermore, alcohol may stimulate adrenals which release adrenaline. When adrenaline is released, it leads to increased cardiac output, increased heart rate, and increased systolic blood pressure.


Well, several past studies have made this popular. The idea behind this is that grapes used in making red wine contain reservatol and can help keep the heart and provide other benefits. But truly, the amount of reservatol in red wine is affected by the processing, fermentation, and even aging of wine and cannot be sufficient to provide any heart health benefits as purported.

It is important to pay attention to your lifestyle: quit binge drinking, reduce or stop consumption of alcohol if you’re on blood pressure medications or have a family history, try abstinence!














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