

Breadfruit is rich in calories. Hundred grams of the fresh fruit provides 102 calories. The major fraction of this comes from the carbohydrates, mostly contained in the starchy husk. Ripe fruits are sweeter since their starch content is converted into sucrose and simple sugars like fructose and glucose.
Health Benefits of Breadfruit
Rich in Fibers:
Its pulp has more fiber than in jackfruit, which makes it a good bulk laxative. Dietary fiber in breadfruit helps reduce blood cholesterol by preventing its absorption in the gut, reduce obesity, blood pressure and help protect the colon mucous membrane by warding off cancer-causing chemicals from the colon.
Antioxidant Benefit:
It has small amounts of flavonoid anti-oxidants in the form of xanthin and luein. Yellow-orange varieties have more of these compounds which are useful in prevention of heart related diseases and various cancers.
Vitamin C Content :
Breadfruit has more vitamin-C than jackfruit, and banana! It provides about 29 mg or 48% of RDA. Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) is a strong water-soluble antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in the vitamin C help the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenges harmful free radicals, creating an unfavorable environment for cancers.
Vitamin Profile:
The fruit has moderate levels of essential vitamins. Like many other tropical delicacies, it is rich in many vital B-complex groups of vitamins. The fruit is a moderate source of vitamins, especially thiamin, pyridoxine, and niacin.
Mineral Content :
The fresh fruit is an excellent source of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Its pulp contains copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Proteinous of Course:
Breadfruit seeds contain average levels of protein; 100 g seeds provide 7.4 g or 13% of daily-recommended values. However, they are excellent sources of minerals like potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese, etc.
Essential Amino Acid Content :
It is an amazing source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which are vital for the proper development of the mind and body. These enhance and promote growth of hair. These fatty acids also regulate metabolic functions, promote reproduction, enhance skin colour and accelerate bone health. These essential fatty acids also have good anti-inflammatory effects.
Heart Health:
Breadfruit intake reduces harmful cholesterol or LDL in the body and increases HDL cholesterol that is beneficial for health. Regular consumption of breadfruit helps lower the risk of developing colon cancer, reduce blood pressure, asthmatic symptoms putting it’s high HDL content in view.
Breadfruit and diabetes:
Breadfruit porridge is excellent for diabetics. The fiber present in breadfruit reduces absorption of glucose from the consumption of the food people eat. The fiber present also flushes out toxins from the intestine and helps in proper functioning of the bowels.
Scientists however recommend that the obese should dehusk the seeds before eating in order not to aggravate the problem of obesity. The high content of calcium, magnesium, iron and low content of lead, copper, zinc and potassium in husked seed of African breadfruit indicates that it is better for children to eat husked seeds rather than dehusked seeds. The oil extracted is a close substitute for palm kernel oil because it is edible and it can also be used industrially for soap making.

The author Prince

Hi, I’m Prince.. a registered Dietitian, an avid reader and a passionate writer. I hope you enjoy my articles as much as I enjoy writing them

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