
Dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis is a common scalp disorder. It can occur due to dry skin, irritated oily skin, growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, inflammatory skin conditions and other such factors. It causes itchiness along with excessive formation of dry skin flakes on the scalp.

There are various ingredients found around the house and often taken for granted which contain nutrients and substances that help disinfect, nourish and generally keep the scalp healthy. We are going to be looking at a few of these and how they can be used to this end. Also, other tips; dietary and otherwise that can help us keep a healthy scalp are going to be treated as well. Enjoy.
Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil has strong antifungal properties, making it a good treatment for dandruff.
Simply add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo when you wash your hair. Add one drop of this essential oil per ounce of shampoo.
You can also dilute the oil by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil. Apply it on your hair, leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight and then wash your hair. Do this once or twice a week.
Lemons have a tough reputation, but they might be able to shake it-if they help you shake the flakes first. The acidity in pure freshly squeezed lemon juice contains acids that can help break down the fungus that is often the cause of dandruff outbreaks. It’s also free from harsh chemicals and other unnatural ingredients that often do more harm than good to our hair and scalp-plus it leaves you smelling clean and fresh.

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Massage 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp and let it sit for a minute.
Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into 1 cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until no longer needed.
Pure Aspirin uses a large percentage of Salicylic Acid, which is an active ingredient in many commercial anti-dandruff shampoos. Salicylic Acid has fungicidal and anti-microbial properties to fight the extra flakes caused by fungus, while the Aspirin helps with the inflamed skin that often goes hand-in-hand with severe cases of dandruff.
Crush two aspirins to a fine powder and mix it with a blob of shampoo. Wash your hair with the mixture, massaging it onto your scalp. Leave it in for a few minutes and then rinse your hair well. If you wish, wash your hair again with normal shampoo to remove the powder completely.
Alternatively, crush three aspirins and dissolve the powder in one tablespoon of vinegar. Massage the mixture into your scalp. Leave it in for half an hour and then wash your hair thoroughly.
Like aspirin, Listerine can also be used to treat dandruff, thanks to itsantifungal propertiesand alcohol content. Just use Listerine to rinse your hair once a week.
Fenugreek Seeds:
Fenugreek seeds have a composition that is rich in protein and amino acids, encouraging healthy hair/hair growth and warding off those wicked flakes in the process. A little bonus-its high concentration of lecithin (a natural emollient) can help make hair stronger overall, and many people find that it leaves their hair silky smooth and soft.The herb fenugreek has antifungal and soothing properties that can help control dandruff to a great extent.
Soak two to three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning, grind them into a fine paste. You can also add a few teaspoons of plain yogurt to it.
Apply the paste all over your scalp and leave it in for a few hours. Rinse it out and shampoo your hair. Do this once or twice a week.
Remember to be patient when using these natural remedies for dandruff. You’ll need to follow the remedy of your choice consistently for best results.
Get Some Sun:
It’s not known exactly why, but there have been links between dandruff and exposure to sunlight. There have been many cases in which the severity of dandruff lessened when the afflicted person spent more time in the sun. It’s possible that instead of dry weather in the winter causing dandruff, it’s really the lack of sunlight. Maybe the light helps dry up some of the excess oil, or maybe getting a little time outside in the sun makes for a happier healthier human overall. Whatever the exact reason is, it’s something to try, and it’s probably one of the most straightforward home remedies you can try.

Spend at least 10-15 minutes out in the sunlight every day that you can. Make sure to limit your time though-too much sun and it’s UV rays can be harmful to your skin, hair, and health.
Salt is something most of us have lying around, something we use every day. But did you know that it can also help get rid of dandruff? It’s slightly abrasive crystals will work as a natural exfoliator, getting off the extra oil and dead skin flakes. It is effective because it clears a path, if you will, for the shampoo which can sink in and work to its fullest potential. While rubbing salt on your scalp may not sound like spa treatment, it can actually feel quite pleasant, especially if your skin is itchy.

Gently massage 3 tablespoons of salt into your dry or slightly dampened scalp for 2-3 minutes. Shampoo immediately afterwards
Obey The Law Of L.R.R:
Lather, rinse, repeat. We see it stamped on the back of shampoo bottles, but really, how many of us lather twice? I know most of the times that I have, it’s usually because I forgot I had already shampooed (embarrassing, I know.) That direction is there for a reason though-it allows the shampoo to work at its best and really do what it is supposed to do. Next time you’re in the shower, do an initial lathering before rinsing it off to get rid of most of the flakes and oil buildup. To really fight the dandruff, lather a second time and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then the shampoo can penetrate the skin cells fully and really go to work.
Shampoo More
Many people are of the belief that dandruff is caused by dry skin, and try to make up for this by shampooing less so as to not strip the skin of its natural oils. They may also use special shampoo for dandruff when they really have dry scalp, which will just dry it out even more. One of the biggest causes of dandruff is oily skin-that is why the skin flakes are often greasy, not dry. The best way to combat this is to shampoo more rather than less. Since that dandruff is a build-up or excess of rapidly maturing skin cells, scrubbing with shampoo can help get the itchy layer off naturally. It can also help ward off overgrowth of the Malassezia fungus.
Dietary Tips:
Eat adequately. What you put into your body has an impact on what your body responds with. An excess of unhealthy foods (fast food, sugary foods, etc.) will often result in skin, scalp and hair problems. Foods rich in zinc and vitamin B6 are particularly important for maintaining healthy hair and scalp.
Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables in particular impact how our skin behaves. It encourages healthy hair, skin, and nail growth, so shoot for stuff like broccoli, kale, and lettuce (NOT iceberg) to add to your diet.
Fish Oils: Fish oil can make a difference in the overall make-up of your skin. Taking fish oil supplements will not cure your dandruff, but it can help lessen its severity and/or prevent it.
Lean Proteins:To minimize dandruff, try eating more lean proteins. They help to build hair and skin and keep it coming in healthy. Aim for fish and non-meat proteins, such as eggs, nuts, and beans.
Good bacteria (Prebiotics ): Boosting the friendly bacteria in your digestive system can reduce yeast inside your body and lower the inflammation that also gets aimed at yeast on your skin. You can do this by taking probiotics containingLactobacillus acidophilus or bifidobacterium, found in supplements and some yogurts (check the label).
Tags : Dietary Treatment of Dandruff.Home Remedies of Dandruff

The author Prince

Hi, I’m Prince.. a registered Dietitian, an avid reader and a passionate writer. I hope you enjoy my articles as much as I enjoy writing them

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